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The Indifferent Ex-Husband: Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate novel Chapter 58

Martin frowned, "What do we need this for?"

Brandon replied, "Just in case."

"Alright. I'll send it to you tomorrow." Martin nodded agreeably.

Brandon said, "Thanks for the trouble."

Martin chuckled, "Come on, there's no 'trouble' between you and me."

Glancing at his watch, he added, "Gotta cut this short, or it'll be daylight here before we know it. You should hit the hay too."

With that, he hung up the call.

As Martin put away his phone, the smile on his face also vanished.

He had known Brandon for years, and Brandon was always a man of decisive action. This indecisive side of Brandon was new to Martin.

His gut was telling him something fishy was going on.

After mulling it over for a moment, Martin stood up and made a call to his assistant, "Book me a flight to Wye City for tomorrow."

After hanging up, Brandon stayed put.

He stood by the window, gazing at the myriad lights outside.

Knowing Martin as well as he did, he doubted that Martin would be swayed so easily. The more swiftly Martin agreed, the more likely he was plotting something else.

Brandon shot a message to Kent, asking how the childhood background check on Sophia was coming along.

Kent saw the message the next morning, and it gave him quite the jolt.

Brandon had only assigned the task the night before. How could Kent have made any progress so quickly? His own schedule wasn't even set until today.

But with Brandon pushing for an update, Kent couldn't drag his feet. He shot back a message saying he'd have an update by noon, then hurried to get ready and head out after breakfast.

Kent had a vague understanding of Sophia's family background. They weren't locals, having moved from the north when she was a child. The chances of neighbors having useful information were slim.

Although Brandon hadn't spelled it out, Kent had been by his side for years and knew what he was after. It wasn't just Sophia's childhood. It was her life story from birth to youth.

With time pressing, digging up neighbors from Sophia's hometown for a background check was unrealistic. The people who knew her best were her parents.

So after breakfast, Kent picked up some fine wine, coffee beans, and a selection of appetizers, and made his way over to Sophia’s family home.

At the Yearwood residence, only Sophia's father Haley was home, drowning his boredom in alcohol.


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