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The Indifferent Ex-Husband: Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate novel Chapter 589

Brandon frowned slightly and instinctively looked back in the direction of Harvey Ferber.

Harvey Ferber had wandered off with Kent, leaving only a tall and indifferent silhouette behind.

"What's with the weird vibe?" Brandon asked Theresa in a hushed tone.

Theresa shook her head blankly: "I don't know."

"Weird" was about the only adjective her little mind could muster up.

Brandon gave her a reassuring smile: "No worries."

He tried to probe a bit more: "Does the way uncle looked at you make you feel uncomfortable?"

Theresa shook her head again: "No."

Brandon: "Does it scare you?"

Still shaking her head, Theresa replied: "No."

So it wasn't a look that would unsettle or frighten a kid.

Brandon's heart settled a bit, and he softly consoled her: "Maybe uncle's seeing you for the first time, so he's just a bit curious, that's all."


Theresa nodded, not quite understanding, as Brandon carried her out of the mall. The doors opened to fewer people outside than in, so she wriggled to be let down to walk by herself.

Brandon bent down to set her down, straightening her clothes as he spoke: "Stay with godmom for a sec, daddy's gonna fetch the car."

The end-of-year mall rush had the underground parking lot jam-packed, so he had no choice but to park in the open-air lot.

Theresa obediently nodded: "Okay."

Brandon ruffled her hair, gave Susan a few words of caution, and then turned to head toward the car.

Theresa, hand in hand with Susan, ambled toward the curb, her curiosity getting the better of her as she gawked around. When she caught sight of the "West District Sky Mall" logo, a familiar figure turning away caught her eye. Her expression shifted, and suddenly she broke free from Susan's grip, dashing toward the figure while calling out "Mommy" as she ran and cried.

The square wasn't as packed as the mall, but there were still plenty of people around.

Being small and nimble, Theresa darted into the crowd, and it wouldn't have taken much for her to get knocked over and trampled. Susan turned pale with fear, chasing after her and calling out urgently: "Theresa, stop!"

Her cries made Brandon freeze in his tracks and whirl around to look for Theresa.

She was like a little whirlwind, weaving through the crowd, now in tears and screaming for her mommy.

Brandon's face went ashen as he quickly turned and dashed toward Theresa.

The onlookers were startled by her actions, pausing to watch the drama unfold.

People walking by, oblivious to her, could easily trip her up, and that's precisely what happened—Theresa tumbled to the ground.

The crowd gasped in shock.

She didn't know if it was the fall or the exhaustion, but after a struggle to get up, she just sat there, crying her lungs out for Sophia, who was long gone, with relentless cries of "Mommy."


Sophia, having crossed the street, seemed to sense something and glanced back toward the square.

She was standing at a bustling intersection, with traffic and pedestrians creating a cacophony of noise.

The edge of the square was crammed with electric bikes, and the square itself was teeming with people. She couldn't see anything from that distance.


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