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The Indifferent Ex-Husband: Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate novel Chapter 592

Sophia didn't want Amanda to go out of her way for her; it would make her feel guilty. So she glanced at her godmother, "Godmom, why don't you head back first? I'll swing by after I wrap things up here."

"No way, going back alone would be such a drag," Amanda shot down the idea without a second thought. "I'm fine, you do your thing, and we can head back together once you're done."

Sophia had no choice but to nod.

Harvey Ferber glanced at his watch and stood up, "Alright, it's getting late. You guys should get some rest."

And with that, he was gone.

Amanda could tell Sophia was exhausted and quickly told her to get some rest before leaving herself.

The once bustling room quieted down in an instant.

Sophia let out a sigh of relief. With the room empty, she felt a weight lift off her shoulders.

She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but something about Amanda's kindness and care felt off to her. It was like she was betraying someone by accepting Amanda's help and her family's embrace, but she couldn't remember who.

From the moment she opened her eyes, her mind had been a blank slate.

No past, no future, no others, not even a sense of self.

It was as if she was meant to exist in this void.

So faced with this emptiness, she didn't panic, she just felt lost.

No clue where home was, where the road was, yet she had this vague sense that it had always been this way.

Beneath this faint sense of normalcy, she still felt like she was missing something crucial.

She couldn't remember, and her body instinctively resisted any attempt to delve deeper.

Harvey Ferber told her that her name was Sophia.

The name felt both familiar and sorrowful.

Anytime she tried to dig into the meaning behind her name, she'd feel a mix of curiosity and sadness, as well as physical symptoms like headaches or fainting spells.

Her doctor said these symptoms might be her body's way of protecting itself from painful memories.

He advised her not to force anything her body was resisting, as it could make the pain stick and hinder her memory recovery.

Better to take it easy.


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