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The Indifferent Ex-Husband: Heartstrings in the Mall of Fate novel Chapter 68

"Got it." The staff member pocketed the sample.

After Brandon wrapped up the registration and payment, he spun on his heel and took off.

His ride was parked right out front of the testing center, and as he drove off, a red taxi zipped by, narrowly missing his car and snagged the spot he'd just vacated.

Brandon shot a glance in the rearview at the red cab, whipped the steering wheel like a pro, and the car took a sharp turn and headed out.

Almost at the same time, Martin pushed his way out of the taxi.

He looked up at the paternity testing center's entrance and strode in, handing over two samples to the staff, "I need a paternity test done."

The same words, the same tall and handsome dude, the same hair samples, and all within a five-minute window. Martin's and Brandon's synchronized moves got the staff member all chatty, "What's the deal today? Why are all these Zenitha folks coming in for DNA tests?"

"Even the samples are carbon copies." He shook Brandon's freshly bagged sample at his colleague and then pulled out an identical bag from the toolbox to pack up the samples.

Martin frowned faintly, turning to the youthful-looking staff member, "So a Zenitha guy about my height was just here?"

"Yep, he just left." The staff member stretched his neck toward the door, "He was just outside. Looked a lot like you, tall, dashing, in a black suit."

To him, all Zenithians seemed to be cut from the same cloth.

Martin also glanced towards the door, saw no familiar figures, but from the staff's description, it sounded like Brandon.

When his gaze returned, it caught the surveillance camera at the entrance. After a brief pause, he addressed the staff member, "Could I have a look at your surveillance footage? That guy might be a buddy of mine."

The staff member gave a polite refusal with a smile, "Sorry, that's confidential. Can't just show it to anyone."

Martin nodded in understanding, "No worries, thanks anyway."

He didn't pester the staff member further. He couldn't fathom Brandon's actions. Hadn't he asked him to mail in hair samples so that Marian could get tested first with him? But now, with Marian not on board, was he going ahead with the test behind her back?

"Sir?" The staff member tapped the desk.

Martin snapped back to reality, offered an apologetic glance, and followed through with the registration and payment before leaving.

The results of the paternity test would take three business days.

Martin had made a spur-of-the-moment decision to fly over, leaving many work matters unarranged. Though he was running the company, his grandfather, Louis, kept a close eye on things, and he'd notice something was up if Martin didn't show up for a day.

Right after leaving the paternity testing center, Louis's call came through, "Where have you vanished to? Not a peep in over a day? You didn't show up at the office, and there was some board meeting today that got canceled last minute. What's going on?"

"I'm over in Wye City, got some stuff to sort out. I'll be back in a few days," Martin replied, holding back the info about the DNA results to avoid getting Louis's hopes up prematurely.


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