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The Killer Queen ( Noella Briony ) novel Chapter 1


On the second floor of the Lambert Mansion

Briony Lambert, decked out in a plain white princess dress, whipped out her pocket mirror to admire her own lovely face

She pinched her handkerchief, cocking a smug smile at Noella in front of her

Sis, there’s something I wanna lay on you” 

Just last month, when Belinda fell ill and needed a blood transfusion, both Noella and Briony were called over. And bam! Turns out Noella wasn’t the biological daughter of the Lamberts! A paternity test on the spot proved Briony was the real flesh and blood of the Lambert family

Holding the paternity test report, Briony’s eyes were dancing with triumph. She grew up with Noella since they were kneehigh

Why should she remain relegated to the role of the nanny’s niece while Noella basked in the glory as the high and mighty Ms. Lambert

Now, it was all hers for the taking

Behind Briony, the Lambert folks were giving Noella heartwrenching glances

Spotting Noella’s gaze, Vincent Lambert brushed away a nonexistence tear

Noella, nobody anticipated that Briony was our own flesh and blood. We had plans for you to grow up here alongside her, but out of the blue, your folks decide to take you back. We’re gutted to see you go, but it’s only right to send you back. I can’t bear to separate you from your biological parents; it would be too cruel.” 

Vincent was actually game for keeping Noella around, but Belinda argued that Briony had been overshadowed by Noella all her life, and living together would be unfair to her

Just the thought of her darling daughter living like a servant under her own roof was enough to make Belinda’s heart bleed

It’s all Noella’s fault

As for Noella, their supposed daughter, the moment Vincent spread the word, calls from Emerald County flooded in, seeking a reunion. The thick accent on the other end of the line was as dense as molasses! Vincent could barely make heads or tails of what they were saying

Emerald County, as the news reported, had an average annual income of less than a grand per resident last year. A place so broke that charity couldn’t even lift it up

It turned out that Noella’s real parents were from Emerald County, and judging by the sound of it, they were farmers

Noella, even though your parents are farmers, don’t you worry. I heard chickens in the background when I was on the phone. So, at least if you’re hungry, you can chow down on 


some chicken” 

Briony snorted with laughter

What a backwater! They even raise chickens

Dad, you don’t get it. In places that poor, chickens are worth more than people. You can’t just eat them whenever you want.” 

Briony’s face was a picture of superiority

Noella saw right through their act and stood up, asking coolly, I’ll leave in a bit. Where’s my laptop?” 

She was the picture of grace and elegance that Briony could never mimic, no matter how hard she tried

The nerve! What a showoff

Sis, we didn’t touch your laptop. It’s a clunker from five years ago. You must’ve lost it, right?” 

The nannies behind chimed in, dissing her

Yeah, only Ms. Noella would be so petty as to care about a laptop that old.” 

*Ease up, Noella’s about to head back to the boonies, where folks probably don’t even know 

what a laptop is.” 

Briony was smirking all over

Noella gave her a cool glance and whipped out her phone, pulling up a surveillance clip

The video unmistakably revealed Briony sneaking into Noella’s room last night when everyone else was distracted and swiping her laptop

The footage showed Briony looking downright ferocious

That old hag, why does she only care about you! I’m the real daughter of the Lambert family!” 

Briony was speechless. Had Noella lost her marbles? She’d actually rigged her, own room with cameras! And caught her cursing out Old Mrs. Lambert

Belinda yanked Briony behind her as if Noella was about to gobble her up

Noella, you’re out of line. This is your home too. How could you set up cameras here? You know your dad’s got loads of trade secrets. If those got out” 

With that, Vincent’s expression turned all kinds of awkward

Noella, hand over your phone. I want to check if you’ve planted cameras anywhere else.” 

Noella was left speechless. She didn’t give a hoot about the Lambert’s business

Right in front of Vincent, Noella wiped her phone clean, restoring it to factory settings


Vincent, feeling a bit sheepish, chuckled, I’m not doubting you. Just playing it safe, you know.” 

Noella’s reply was icy. Give me my laptop, and I’ll leave.” 

Vincent quickly had Briony dig up Noella’s laptop

Briony grumbled, She can’t even let go of such an old piece of junk. Emerald County probably doesn’t even have the internet.” 

That busted laptop couldn’t even boot up now, only a soontobe poor girl like Noella would treasure it

Noella gave her one last glance. This laptop, a gift from Old Mrs. Lambert while she was still around, had been customized by Noella herself. It was precious, sure, but not indispensable

She could replace the laptop, and these socalled family members? She could do without them. It’s just that this gadget held a different kind of sentiment

The entire Lambert family favored Briony, top to bottom, except for Old Mrs. Lambert who loved. her from the start, giving her a warmth she’d always cherish

With Old Mrs. Lambert gone, the Lambert family meant squat to her

Noella turned and walked towards the front door without a backward glance or a shred of 


Belinda, who’d been gearing up to drop some sentimental lines, was left feeling awkward as hell 

Hey you, hold up! What’s with the attitude? An elder is trying to have a word with you, and here you are, giving me the stink eye. You and Briony grew up together, for crying out loud. It’s like one of you is from another planet!” 


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