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The Killer Queen ( Noella Briony ) novel Chapter 15

Chapter 15 

President, Mr. Sexton has been itching for you to tie the knot so he can cuddle his greatgrandchildren already.” 

Palmer replied with a cool detachment, He’s already got three greatgrandkids, and with his current health, he can’t even lift one.” 

The youngest of the Pollack family’s greatgrandchildren was five, and last year, Sexton threw his back out picking one of them up, and he was laid up in bed for two weeks

Xander was speechless

Don’t be so hardheaded with Mr. Sexton. His health isn’t great, and besides, the Pollack family and the Schnabel family are wellmatched. The Schnabel boys are all topnotch, and Ms. Schnabel is surely no slouch, either

This marriage has been set for ages, decided by the Schnabel and Pollack families together. You’ve got to consider the reputation of the Schnabel family, too.” 

Palmer slightly lifted his eyelids. Zip it, or you’ll be the one marrying Ms. Schnabel.” 

Xander quickly clammed up. He was fiftythree, not exactly in the marrying age bracket

At Rising Glory Mall 

Briony clutched her little purse, her eyes brimming with eagerness. Mom, is the handkerchief we reserved finally in stock? We gotta snag it this time!” 

Master Azure’s designs required not just a reservation but a mad dash to purchase

Even with a reservation, it was just a ticket in whether you can actually buy anything is

matter of fate

Belinda chuckled with pride. Of course, for my darling daughter, I’ve rallied all our servants to help nab that Master Azure design. Didn’t you say Milford’s coming with you today, sweetheart?” 

Briony blushed, shyly saying, Milford texted that he’s stuck in traffic. He’ll be late.” 

Just thinking about her gentle and tall fiancé, soon to be all hers, Briony felt a surge of pride

The Rosenbergs had a slightly higher standing than the Lamberts; Belinda had to pull all sorts of strings for the Lamberts to climb the social ladder through the Rosenbergs, but luckily, Briony has always been close with Milford since young

The mother and daughter waited in line to enter the mall, with Briony standing on tiptoes, scanning the crowd for Milford

There would be plenty of socialites here today; she had to keep an eye on Milford and show 



those women that such a catch was hers

Noella had just entered Rising Glory Mall, ready to get in touch with Kital, when someone blocked her path

Noella, is that really you? I’ve missed you so much!” 

Noella was puzzled

Who was this nutjob

Milford had been eyeing the crowd for fresh talent for his soccer team when he spotted a figure in a light green dress, graceful and alluring, especially that face absolutely bewitching

It was Noella

Even though you’re no longer Mr. Lambert’s daughter, in my eyes, you’re still my fiancée. If you’re willing. I can take you back to the Rosenberg family right this moment.” 

Noella was speechless

What kind of big, sick joke was this

Noella, it’s always been you for me. It broke my heart to learn you’re not Mr. Lambert’s daughter. I’ve been unable to eat or sleep since you left; I’m in tears every day” 

Noella frowned. Who the heck are you?” 

Noella, I know you still resent me, but it’s pointless. You must have feelings

hold a grudge. I know you love me!” 

Noella almost gagged on her breakfast

me if you can 

Milford? Your family won’t need to buy oil for the next decade; you’re greasy enough.” 

Milford’s known for being a playboy, always on the prowl for pretty women, with nine out of ten phones for keeping women’s contacts

He even had his mistresses numbered down to their height, weight, and menstrual cycles… 

Noella, I can’t live without you!” 

Noella, tired of the nonsense, raised her hand and slapped Milford across the face

Milford, about to use his physical strength to pull her hand into his embrace, instead took at solid slap to the face

Milford was stunned

How could Noella hit so hard?! 

In the distance, Briony screamed, Ahh! Noella, you bitch, stay away from Milford!” 

Dragging Belinda, she raced over. Seeing Milford holding his face, she felt a pang of sympathy

Chapter 15 

Milford, is she still bugging you? She’s so vile!” 

Belinda looked at Noella with disgust. What are you doing here? Didn’t you go back to Emerald County? Did you know Briony and I were coming to Master Azure’s store and deliberately staking it out? Let me tell you, you’re no longer part of our family.” 

Briony, clinging to Milford’s arm, displayed her claim. Sis, I know you still have eyes for Milford. but he’s my fiancée, and you have nothing to do with him. Please don’t disrupt our life, okay?” 

So pretentious

Noella slightly frowned and glanced at Belinda and Briony. If you’re sick in the head, go see a doctor; the cure rate for delusions is pretty decent.” 

Belinda, about to blow her top, suddenly saw the stillclosed mall doors swing open

Beckett, in a sharp suit, stood at the entrance, his usually cold face softened upon seeing Noella

Noella, come here.” 

Noella walked over to Beckett, and soon the mall doors closed again

Briony, watching Noella’s retreating figure, wondered, Mom, what’s going on with Noella? Who was that guy just now? He seemednot ordinary.” 

Belinda gritted her teeth and spat out, That chick must be too proud to crawl back to her backwater town and decided to use her pretty face to snag a rich guy! She’s really living up to her lowly fate. Briony, if she ever comes crawling to you, you better give her the cold shoulder!” 

Briony nodded in agreement, then turned to chat with Milford but caught him still eyeing Noella

Damn that Noella

Why was she still hogging everything even after she was gone? It was clear as day that both her parents and Milford should be hers

Climbing the social ladder? As if Noella, a country bumpkin, had any right to


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