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The Killer Queen ( Noella Briony ) novel Chapter 158

In Emerald County, Elara clung to Noella, her grip tight around her waist, reluctant to let go.

“Why do you have to leave so soon? Don’t you like it here?”

Emerald County might only be a small town, but thanks to the research facility and the nearby academy, the local economy was booming. The Schnabel family had made quite a few shrewd investments, and the town had all the amenities one could ask for.

“I do like it here. It’s just that there’s something I need to handle back in Imperial City.”

“What’s the matter? Is it about the art gallery or the music store? Can’t you let the brothers take care of it for you? Noella, don’t be shy, I’ll talk to them for you!”

Noella quickly grabbed Elara’s hand, which seemed ready to spring into action.

“It’s Master Killian calling me back.”

Elara knew that Master Killian was Noella’s mentor, with an unrivaled reputation in the world of oil painting. She wouldn't want to risk Noella's future by selfishly keeping her in Emerald County.

Her sister was a painting prodigy, after all!

Elara’s spirits dampened, her head drooping onto Noella’s shoulder as she took a deep whiff of her sister's scent, almost like a cat with catnip.

“Alright, I just can’t bear to see you go.”

Noella gently patted Elara's shoulder, promising to return for another visit. Only then did Elara reluctantly release her.

As Noella’s car disappeared in the distance, Elara’s smile faded, replaced by a profound sense of loneliness.

Back in her modest dorm, Elara found her desk cluttered with gifts! There were notes on boxes of pastries from Sienna, presents from her brothers, and treats from the old gents. And there, in the center, was a family portrait featuring everyone from the Schnabel family, all beaming, including her. The family portrait on her phone didn’t include her, but the one in her hands did.

Mixed emotions swirled in Elara’s heart, but before she could sort them out, her phone rang, and a warm, honest voice on the other end came through.

“Ms. Schnabel, I’m the manager of the diner across from your lab. I’ll be delivering your meals from now on. I already know about your favorite dishes—you won't have to worry about a thing. I'll make sure you're well-fed!”

Elara was puzzled. “How do you know what I like?”

“Ms. Noella told me. She said you might forget to eat when you’re buried in your experiments, and we can’t have that! Ms. Noella and Sienna want to see videos of you eating your meals, so you'll need to cooperate with me, okay?”

After hanging up, Elara flipped the family portrait and read Beckett's bold handwriting on the back.

[Elara, you will always be a part of the Schnabel family. We all love you.]

Holding back tears, Elara felt a rush of warmth amid her sobs.


Meanwhile, Vincent settled into a local hospital, his body swathed in bandages, resembling a mummy on the move. Belinda and the Fullers were no better off, all lying in their beds grumbling and groaning.

Vincent, checking his phone, muttered, “Why hasn’t anyone contacted me today? Didn’t they see the trending topic I bought? Noella must’ve missed it.”

Malcom Fuller grumbled, “Stop looking at that and find Ellsworth, will you?”

They had just realized that Ellsworth, who had been with them earlier, had vanished without a trace. He was their golden grandchild, but Vincent was too preoccupied with Noella, completely disregarding his elders.

Debbie’s phone rang with a blaring tone, the sound of the old-fashioned device echoing through the small-town hospital ward.

“Ellsworth’s family? I’m calling from the Emerald County Police Department. Ellsworth was caught last night for burglary. You should come down to the station to discuss his situation.”

Debbie nearly fainted. “Officer, my grandson wouldn’t steal! He’s such a good boy.”

“You’ll see when you get here.”

After the call ended, Debbie’s wails filled the room, “Oh, my poor grandson!”

Vincent, covering his ears, scrolled through his messages, spotting a new one.

[I’d like to purchase the bracelet. Name your price.]

Fighting his excitement, Vincent quickly replied: [The bracelet’s worth seven figures!]

[Deal. Contact me once you have it.]


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