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The Killer Queen ( Noella Briony ) novel Chapter 164

In the alleyway’s corner, the small car, hemmed in by several motorcycles, lay crumpled, its driver beaten to a pulp and tossed to the curb.

Alkaid sneered. "They've got some nerve, trying to stage a car crash for our boss. Pathetic."

The driver couldn't even speak; his teeth were all knocked out! He couldn't understand it. Vincent had said it was just some high school kid they were dealing with, right? The car wasn't even a luxury model, so how did that girl get so lucky?

He had rammed her several times, his own hood was bent out of shape, yet Noella's car was still pristine, not a scratch on it!

From the entrance of the alley, a few guys suddenly showed up and grabbed the driver off the ground.

The leader whispered, "Are you guys sent by Mr. Pollack to protect Ms. Noella? We're Jasper's crew, here to ensure Ms. Noella's safety at all times!"

Alkaid nodded immediately. "Ah yes, yes, we're Mr. Pollack's guys."

Their boss didn't like revealing her identity in front of the Schnabel family, and Alkaid understood. After all, their boss had swindled so much money from the Schnabels, she certainly didn't want to get caught!

Such a con artist, truly despicable.

"Hand him over to us then, unless Mr. Pollack has other orders? Jasper's got plans for this guy on our end."

Hearing Jasper had other uses for the guy, Alkaid agreed, "No worries, take him. He'd be no use to us except for maybe fertilizer... What's Jasper planning, if I may ask?"

"Ha, you'll see when the time comes!"


In the gallery office, time seemed to stand still as Palmer continued to hold Noella in his arms, showing no sign of letting go.

A cough broke the silence. "Ahem, the youth these days, no sense of propriety, eh?"

Master Killian could hardly stand to watch the two of them entwined. He had been waiting in Noella's office, gaming until he was too tired and decided to catch some sleep in the adjoining rest room. But upon waking, he was greeted by the sight of these two in an embrace, with no intention of parting!

Palmer reluctantly let go, but not before planting a swift kiss on Noella's forehead—a fleeting touch.

"Sorry, Master Killian, didn't see you come in."

Master Killian rolled his eyes. "Oh, cut it out. If you two can't even notice an extra person in the room, you might as well be six feet under."

One was the head of the Abyssal Organization, the other of the Obelisk Organization. If they lacked even that level of alertness, they'd be better off dead, fertilizer in some forgotten corner.

They obviously knew he was there but chose to ignore him!

Kids these days, no sense of subtlety.

"Is everything sorted outside? The space across the gallery looks good. A little makeover, and it could be quite useful."

Master Killian glanced at Palmer, seemingly satisfied with his actions.

If the lad had dared to side with that peacock of a woman earlier, Master Killian would've called up the old timers from the Polaris Star to give Palmer a good thrashing!

Noella nodded. "It's settled. I need to visit Lockhart Prison tomorrow. If you need anything, Ivan can assist you."

Killian waved the thought away. "Go ahead. Hector's coming to Imperial City in a few days; just be back by then."

"I'll be here."

Palmer was surprised to hear the name Hector.


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