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The Killer Queen ( Noella Briony ) novel Chapter 170

Beneath Lockhart Prison, a dozen of snipers took aim at the helicopter circling above!

Noella set down her binoculars and turned to Palmer, who was standing beside her.

"Think we can dodge a hail of bullets if they all fire at once?"

"It's gonna be tough."

Lockhart Prison was a fortress with checkpoints at every turn. They'd only managed to slip inside because someone up top had greased the wheels, allowing them to take a secret passage.

Noella spun around and pulled a metal case from behind her, slipping on a pair of jet-black gloves.

"I need five minutes to assemble the sniper rifle. You're on watch until then."

Palmer nodded, his gaze icy as he surveyed the dark expanse of the prison below.

"Five minutes is doable, but they've got the numbers. Dodging bullets might get a little hairy."

Noella's voice was cool as she responded, "I'm not looking to go toe-to-toe with them. I've got a different fish to fry."

Quickly, she pieced together the sniper rifle, expertly calculating the trajectory as she aimed at a distant flickering window.

Atop the highest tower stood a dark spire, and from within, it seemed as if a pair of watching eyes lurked.

As Noella zeroed in on the window, she noticed the number of snipers targeting them from below was multiplying rapidly!

Palmer took out his phone and made a call, "Xavier, long time no see."

The reply was a sardonic chuckle, the voice deep and raspy, as if scarred by a blade, "Your little lady's got some nerve, aiming at me. Does she even know who I am? Marcel's granddaughter has some guts, huh?"

Noella's voice was indifferent, "What my granddad's like is none of your business. If you're brave enough for us to send you to meet your maker, then I'm afraid that precious bracelet of yours will be shattered to bits."

She waved a hand in front of the sniper rifle, revealing a clear jade bracelet, flawless and imbued with streaks of purple amid the green - a rare gem among the common stones.

"The bracelet's with you? How come it's in your hands?"

Noella scoffed, "My grandma gave it to me, so naturally, it's with me. You tried to deal with Vincent, that fool, but you got the wrong person."

The buyer of the jade bracelet had vanished within Lockhart Prison, and in this hellish place, few had the privilege of internet access. The man in the tower was clearly the top dog of the dark spire.

Noella had suspected as much when Marcel had her bring along a video her grandmother had recorded, hinting at some connection between her and Lockhart Prison.

"Your grandma? What's her name?"

The man on the other end of the line stood abruptly, his aged voice quivering uncontrollably.

Calmly, Noella released the safety on her sniper rifle and replied coolly, "Harriet."

Upon hearing that name, Xavier flung open the window and bellowed, "The lot of you, back off! Let them through! Anyone fires a shot, and they're shark bait!"

Noella set down the rifle, a tinge of regret in her voice, "Pity, I was looking forward to blowing your head off."

Xavier remained silent, his gaze locked onto the figures in the helicopter. A single shot from Noella, and not even walls of steel would keep the target alive.

Hearing her tone, Palmer chuckled softly, affectionately ruffling her hair, "It's a damn shame I won't get to see you take the shot. Maybe next time we can have a little competition."

The leader of the Obelisk Organization was renowned for the marksmanship, never missing the mark, one shot one kill.

As the chief of the rival Abyssal Organization, he too was curious to see his girl at her most dazzling.

Noella raised an eyebrow and smiled, "Sure."

The helicopter landed at the foot of the dark spire, where a couple of towering shirtless brutes with muscles like boulders and fierce, intimidating faces stood guard.

An old man, well into his seventies, sat behind them.

Xavier's face was marred by a scar running from his eyelid to his jawline, and his eyes were as cold and ruthless as a lone wolf on the desert plains, a single glance enough to send chills down one’s spine. He watched the two young intruders approach.

Noella, carrying a heavy sniper rifle, was clad in a sleek black jumpsuit with stiletto boots. She met Xavier's gaze without fear, her eyes brimming with disdain and contempt.


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