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The Killer Queen ( Noella Briony ) novel Chapter 174

Tandy was the very definition of cautious. In his story, it was sheer serendipity that brought Elara to the Schnabel household. With so many children in the orphanage, why her?

He clenched his jaw. "Pure coincidence."

"I've checked all the kids that came out of Heartfelt Orphanage that year, and you just happened to pick the brightest and the smartest. Lucky, huh?"

Tandy's gaze drifted. "Alright, that child was indeed handpicked. Someone said she was exceptional, and that she wouldn't raise any suspicions at the Schnabels."

Noella nodded, seemingly agreeing with the statement.

Elara and the Schnabel boys were alike—intelligent, attractive, and cultured. It was as if she was one of their own. Standing with them, no one questioned Elara's place in the family.

"Whose child is she?"

Tandy hesitated, silent for a long moment. "She's doing so well with the Schnabels, so why dig into her past?"

Elara indeed lived well in the Schnabel family, but she deserved to know her origins, to choose her own family!

Noella understood this dilemma all too well. Embracing a new family was tough, but the truth was Elara's right.

"Just tell me whose child she is, that's enough."

Tandy sighed, a wry smile crossing his face. "If memory serves, she's a Pollack."

Noella and Palmer were stunned.

Elara, a Pollack?

Xavier frowned at Palmer. "Your cousins are way older than you, your uncle is single, so your dad had an affair?"

Palmer was quick to deny. "My parents were devoted to each other."

"Really? You're not with your dad all the time. He could have secrets, right?"

Facing Xavier's skepticism, Palmer added, "Even if there was a possibility of an affair, there's no way he'd have a child Elara's age."

During the time of Elara's birth, Palmer's mother had her own troubles. It was unlikely his father would betray her then.

Tandy spoke up faintly. "It's Jacob Pollack, the second son. He likely isn’t aware of the child's existence."

"My uncle Jacob?" Palmer was shocked.

Noella pictured Elara and Jacob together, their resemblance uncanny. Jacob's gaze towards Elara was more tender than that of a mere superior.

"Now that we're on the subject, what really happened with Jacob's lover in the hospital?"

Tandy chuckled and shook his head. "I can't tell you that. I can only tell you that she gave birth to the kid when an incident happened."

Noella scrutinized Tandy, searching his face for further clues.

Speaking slowly and deliberately, she asked, "What did you do when my grandmother was hospitalized long before, that made her leave the Schnabel family?"

Xavier hadn't anticipated Noella's inquiry regarding Harriet, and he felt an urge to dissect Tandy's brain right then and there for answers.

Tandy looked at the enraged Xavier. "Got any booze? Give me a sip."

With clenched teeth, Xavier grabbed a finely crafted flask from his waist and tossed it over.

As the strong liquor went down Tandy's throat, he coughed violently. After a moment, he regained his composure.

"I wasn't directly involved in that matter, but I can tell you, the former director of Tandy Hospital was the one who issued orders to me. I know little about it; Harriet didn't die, she even gave birth to a child, but the child given to her wasn't the one she delivered. Do you understand?"

Under the influence of alcohol, Tandy grew agitated. "I don't know the full story! After I switched the baby, they reassured me—old tricks would go unnoticed once more. If my actions were exposed, neither the Schnabels nor the Pollacks would spare me! But God will forgive."

"People forget their pasts. A mother forgets her child, a spouse forgets their love. Yet God blesses his faithful. Heart! We extend our heart to the world! Children, look to us! You'll be the brightest stars in the heavens!"

Tandy began to sing hymns, reminiscent of orphanage lullabies—chaotic and disjointed.

Xavier, puzzled, muttered, "What's he rambling about? Is he losing it? I can't make heads or tails of it!"


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