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The Killer Queen ( Noella Briony ) novel Chapter 202

“So you also know things about burns, Professor Calvin.” Elara said.

Calvin smiled mysteriously and gave Ulrich a reassuring pat on the shoulder, "I haven't personally researched it, but I know someone who can make sure Ms. Gruber won't have a scar from that burn. Let me reach out to her."

Ulrich knew that if Calvin vouched for someone, they had to be good. "Alright, I'll wait for the great news from you, Professor Calvin. And if your friend requires a hefty fee for the treatment, just let me know. Ms. Gruber might not have the funds right now," he claimed.

"No worries, my friend charges fairly." Calvin said.

Noella rolled her eyes at Calvin's grimace and focused elsewhere.

Healing Malvina's burn was an easy task; she just needed to whip up a salve in the lab when she had a moment.

Elara wrapped an arm around Noella's shoulder and clicked tongue in amazement.

"Noella, do you think Ulrich got a screw loose or something? Is he, um, playing philanthropist?"

And he was even offering to cover medical expenses, which was totally out of character.

Noella nodded, "Maybe he feels guilty about almost hurting Malvina?"

"Ha! Guilty? As if he knows the meaning of the word. That's something Stirling had wiped out ages ago!"

Ulrich bopped Elara on the head and then tenderly ruffled Noella's hair.

"Don't lead Noella astray. And don't listen to your sister's nonsense, Noella! I just feel bad for her, nothing more." He said.

"Oh, please. There are plenty of people to pity. Why don't you pay their medical bills?"

"Don't make me give you a whooping at the hospital, Elara!"

Elara and Ulrich wanted to fight each other, but they were careful not to hurt Noella. Also, they land their blows so softly. Watching that, Noella felt a surge of warmth in her heart.

Lavinia, pushing Lucian in his wheelchair, appeared down the hall.

Elara swiftly skated behind Lucian and tattled with theatrical flair, "Grandpa Lucian, Ulrich hit me! The heartless doctor has no medical ethics—reporting him!"

Lucian could tell Ulrich was just fooling around with Elara and shook his head in exasperation, turning to Calvin, "Professor Calvin, how's my grandson doing?"

"He's stable for now. Would you like to see him?"

"Of course, I have to check on him. With his parents abroad, so I'd never forgive myself if something went wrong!"

Lucian then looked at Elara and Noella, "You girls should come in with me, okay?"

Noella knew Lucian wanted Elara to spend some time with the patient inside since the eldest grandson of Richardson was also a cousin of Elara’s.

Elara nodded, "Sure, we'll join you."

"Well, so sorry to trouble you guys," Lavinia said with a helpless smile.

She had been unwell, and her condition had worsened last year, nearly proving fatal. Lucian, after much deliberation and consultation with Marcel, chose not to burden Lavinia with the news.

Lucian patted Elara's hand, a complex mix of emotions flickering across his face as he hesitated to say something.

He knew how cruel it was not to tell Lavinia the truth, but the risk of stimulating her brain was too great.

With a heavy sigh, Lucian said, "Let's go in."

Inside the hospital room, Lorne Richardson, surrounded by a tangle of tubes, tried to move his fingers at the sight of Lucian.

"Just rest easy, the important thing is you're okay. You nearly gave me a heart attack." Lucian said.

Standing by the bed, Calvin whispered to Noella, "He's doing well with all his vitals stable, and the operation was a success."

Noella nodded slightly, "Got it. Call me if anything changes. I'll handle it."

"You sure you don't want to tell Ulrich? Carrying all this credit around makes my back ache." Calvin said.

"If you don't want the credit, next time I'll find someone else."


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