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The Killer Queen ( Noella Briony ) novel Chapter 23

Chapter 23 

The four Schnabel brothers widened their eyes

Elara, you’re totally cheating here

Ulrich flashed a meaningful smile, his eyes shimmering with ripples like a serene autumn pond, as his gaze landed on the hairpin atop Noella’s head

On the hairpin he had carved himself, he had also stealthily inscribed: I love you!” 

The butler hurried forward, Mr. Schnabel, Palmer has sent over two gifts.” 

Tristan scratched his head. Two gifts? Should be one for the elders and one for Noella, right? After all, Noella and him are still engaged. The kid sure knows how to curry favor!” 

Sienna looked puzzled. But Palmer doesn’t know Noella’s back home, so how come he’s sending her a gift?

The butler explained, One’s for you, Mr. and Mrs. Schnabel, and one for Ulrich, as a thankyou for saving Sexton Pollack.” 

When did I save Sexton?” 

Noella knew full well that the gift from the Pollack family was meant for her but they mistook Ulrich for her

She discreetly tugged Ulrich’s hand and whispered, Ulrich, just take it.” 

Ulrich’s heart nearly melted when a soft little hand gripped his suddenly

Thinking it over, since Noella had been at the hospital lately, she might know the scoop. Tossing all rational thought aside, Ulrich, with a genteel smile, played along. That was me. I helped Sexton with a prescription before. Mr. Pollack is too kind.” 

Sienna playfully scolded, You didn’t even give us a headsup. You almost had me thinking Mr. Pollack got the wrong person. We’ve invited Mr. Pollack to Noella’s birthday party; they can meet the kids then!” 

Noella was confused. What’s that got to do with me? Engagement? When?” 

Seeing how the Schnabels were all hyped up, Noella didn’t have the heart to burst their bubble

Imperial West Hospital, patient room 

Yvonne, holding a nourishing tonic soup, took her sweet time fixing up her look outside Sexton’s 


Palmy, this is the soup I made for” 

Inside, Palmer was locked in a standoff with Sexton over taking his medicine

Chapter 23 

I’m not taking It! There’s nothing wrong with me, and it was the wrong meds last time that made me sick! They are all bad stuff, out to get mel” 

Palmer was helpless

It was indeed his oversight that allowed Sexton’s meds to be tampered with last time, but now It’s Sexton’s excuse for not taking them

Grandpa, this batch was made on a dedicated production line just for you, and I personally oversaw it, so it’s all good.” 

I won’t listen, and I won’t take it!” 

Yvonne, feeling ignored, promptly stepped forward, her hat adorned with a massive cluster of artificial flowers screaming for attention, and her skirt supported by a huge crinoline that required her to sidle through the door, with an umbrella in hand that nearly poked secretary Annie in the face.. 

Annie was a bit upset

What’s with Ms. Schnabel

Her fashion sense was like a psychedelic trip! And it was a hospital, not a costume catwalk

As a fellow blueblooded young lady, how could her taste be sobackwoods

Palmer had always preferred a clean, neat look. Yvonne’s getup was like jumping into Palmer’s 

nogo zone

Annie, maintaining her professional composure as a topnotch assistant, suggested, Ms. Schnabel, would you mind changing into something more appropriate? Your outfit isn’t quite fitting for a lady of your stature.” 

Yvonne haughtily lifted her chin, sizing up Annie who stood a head taller in a professional suit

Who’s this chick

Who is she to criticize my careful selection for seeing Palmer

Yvonne’s gaze swept over Annie’s supermodellike face and figure, scoffing. And who are you, some random chick? Worthy of standing next to Palmer? Once we’re married, I’ll have him fire all the female staff!” 

Ms. Schnabel, you’re a woman too, so how can you endorse such workplace gender bias?” 

Humph, unlike you lowlifes, I am Palmer’s fiancée, the future lady of the Pollack family!” 

Annie was flabbergasted

They hadn’t even gotten married, yet Yvonne was like this, what if she actually married Mr. Pollack? That would plunge the entire Pollack Group into a female workplace crisis

Sexton glanced at Yvonne and saw a colorful blob standing there


And you are?” 

Yvonne quickly shoved Annie aside, fawning over him. Grandpa Sexton, I’m Yvonne from the Schnabel family. I specially brewed this soup for you!” 

Sexton felt his own eyes drying out looking at her glistening lids. Yvonne? Never heard of a Schnabel granddaughter by that name.” 

Clearly, Sexton didn’t recognize her

Palmer’s gaze was icy, devoid of any warmth

Grandpa, she claims she saved you last time.” 

Sexton’s eyes popped out in disbelief. What? No, no, no, definitely not her. The one who saved me was way prettier, had better taste. It was definitely not this peacock” 

Yvonne panicked as her lie was exposed

Palmy, I didn’t mean to lie. I really am Professor Calvin’s student, and I know how to take care of your grandfather, so let me stay and look after him, and it would be even better if you could stay here too.” 

Palmer frowned, his aura as formidable as a naturalborn Satan, cold and heartless

Get out, and don’t you ever come back to see my grandfather again. You and I have nothing to do with each other.” 

Yvonne’s face turned pale with shock. How could he be so heartless to her

Palmy, I’m your fiancée” 

Palmer let out a snort of disdain, his eyes deep and dark, A mere adopted daughter of the Schnabel family dares to call herself my fiancée? Since when did the Schnabels grow such a big pair?” 

Adopted daughter! How in the world did Palmer get wind of that

Yvonne was freaking out! I truly love you, Palmer, and I’m the one who’s meant to be your wife. Marry me and you’ll see I’m the best choice!” 

Palmer, clearly irritated, waved his hand dismissively and instantly, a bodyguard stepped up. scooped up Yvonne in a sideways hold because of her outrageous hat and dress, and chucked her out

Finally, Sexton could enjoy some peace and quiet

Man, that chick was annoying, yapping away nonstop. The last one was so much quieter, and a real whiz at chess too. What was her name? I can’t seem to remember” 

Sexton’s memory had been a bit spotty since his surgery. He was probably talking about Elara, the national youth chess champion from a few years back

Grandpa, I’m taking off now.” 


Chapter 23 


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