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The Killer Queen ( Noella Briony ) novel Chapter 26

Chapter 26 

The surveillance system was crystal clear, and every move in VIP Room 9 was on display

As the owner of the bar, Noella had reserved a booth in the beginning just for herself, a special spot where she could keep an eye on all the private booths

Only she could unlock this surveillance haven! She had personally tweaked the cameras to catch every little detail, even in the darkest corners. Everything Toxic Monarch and Thorpe did was under her watchful eye

Palmer frowned slightly, pointing at the screen where Thorpe was holding a briefcase full of greenbacks. They seriously think they can deal here?” 

Looks like it.” 

Call the police. If they manage to trade, who knows how many families will suffer.” 

Noella nodded, Already on it. Sent the video feed straight to the international drug enforcement.” 

Palmer looked surprised

You’re in touch with international drug enforcement?” 

Crossed paths with them about three years ago on a gig in Northstone.” 

Palmer’s pupils contracted; he was also in Northstone three years back

Did you save someone in Northstone?” 

I’ve saved plenty of people.” 

Noella’s brow furrowed ever so slightly, her gaze shining brightly in the dim light, and for a moment, Palmer recalled the time he nearly tumbled off a cliff, when a masked girl reached out 

to him

That girl had eyes just like these

So it was her

Noella’s attention returned to the monitors, her gaze falling on Beckett lurking in a corner downstairs

Why on earth was his brother here

She said to Palmer, Let’s split up. You take the third floor; there’s another drug lord meetup there. I’ll check downstairs.” 

Palmer grabbed Noella’s wrist, his handsome face filled with concern. Be careful. I’ll give you a ride home later.” 



Chapter 26 

At the booth, Beckett and the suit across from him were toasting and having a blast

Noella squeezed through the crowd, finding Erek lost in the dance. There are a few bombs on the second floor. Get someone to defuse them.” 

Whoa, boss! You’re like everywhereugh, and now, just five minutes into my jam, I gotta go play bomb squad? This job’s killing my buzz!” 

Quit your yapping and get on it. You’ve got thirty minutes.” 

Erek, as the second in command of the Obelisk Organization, was pretty topnotch in the bomb defusal department. Ever since Noella handed his ass to him in bloodred defeat a few years. back, he hadn’t met his match

Thirty minutes? You’re not giving me much credit.” 

There are twentythree of them.” 

Erek was dumbfounded

Are you nuts? With that many bombs, if they go off, not just the bar, half the district will be toast

Asking me to defuse twentythree bombs in thirty minutes? That’s just coldhearted

Miss one, and it will cost you a year’s salary.” 

A whole year

All bosses are bloodsucking capitalists, aren’t they

Erek was fuming but dared not speak out

Beckett’s voice came from behind Noella. Noella? What are you doing here?” 


Beckett took Noella by the arm and led her outside, protecting her from the messy crowd, carefully escorting her to the booth

Meet Mr. Tobin. This is my little sis Noella. Noella, this is Mr. Tobin.” 

While introducing, Beckett meticulously cleaned a glass until it sparkled and poured Noella a glass of juice

Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?asked Beckett

Just hanging out.” 

A flash of that smug Milford face crossed Beckett’s mind, and he frowned. Alone?” 

I’ve got a friend upstairs.” 


Chap 26 

Upstairs? So she wasn’t meeting Milford. Beckett let out a sigh of relief

Noella, I’m not saying you can’t have fun, but folks outside can be dangerous. Next time, give me a heads up, or just bring any of the guys along. Don’t go out alone!” 

Noella really wanted to tell Beckett that she was eighteen, not eight, but faced with Beckett’s concerned and tender look, and the palpable care, Noella’s heart warmed up

Okay, will do, Beckett.” 

Mr. Tobin, ignored all this while, was quite taken aback

The ruthless oil tycoon, the negotiation expert with deals worth billions, was this soft with his sister

It’s getting late. I’ll take you home.” 

No need, my friend said he’d drive me.” 

Beckett nodded and stroked Noella’s hair gently

Noella caught a glimpse of several plainclothes cops and smiled sweetly at Beckett. Beckett. my friend’s here. I gotta go.” 

Beckett was concerned but didn’t want to overstep and upset Noella. After a long list of cautions, he watched her blend into the crowd

Mr. Tobin’s jaw nearly hit the floor

Beckett turned, the warmth on his face now gone, replaced with a steely resolve

Mr. Tobin, about the Tranquility City Rosenberg family, I want them bankrupt within a month. Make it a big scene; I want everyone to hear about their downfall.” 

The Rosenberg family, just small fries in the Schnabel family’s eyes, wasn’t worth Beckett’s personal attention

The fact that Beckett even bothered was a testament to the allure of the tens of thousands of marketing accounts in Tobin’s hands

Lucky Rosenberg family, even their downfall had Beckett’s attention

Rest assured, Mr. Schnabel.” 

An international police stood before Noella, speaking with respect. We’ve received the video you sent. This time we’ll definitely nab Toxic Monarch and Thorpe!” 

Thanks to Noella’s help, their numerous drug busts had been successful

Noella got a message from Erek; all bombs were safely defused

She nodded at a few police officers and shot a text to Erek


Chapter 26 

[Announce we’re closing up shop for the night, except for Vif room 9 on the fourth floor st clear the place out, no harm no foul.

IGot it!

The bar’s speakers started blaring the messagel 

Why are we shutting down so early today?” 

Come on, let’s hit the road. Remember the last time we had to clear out? Some folks kicked up a fuss and ended up flat broke.” 

The bar had its own beefedup security team a bunch of towering dudes over six feet tall stood by the door, stonyfaced, ushering out the patrons

Beckett’s ride was parked outside, but no sign of Noella for ages


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