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The Killer Queen ( Noella Briony ) novel Chapter 293

Back in her room, Noella logged into the Polaris Star network. She initiated an internal video conference.

Rubbing his eyes, Alioth asked, “Boss, what's the occasion? Why are we doing a video call?”

Megrez chimed in, “Hard to say. Last time we had a big meeting was when we blew up a bunch of those rival gang hideouts.”

Ivan quipped, “What's the target this time? My dynamite's itching for some action!”

Noella replied sternly, “Keep it up, and you might be looking for a new boss soon.”

Silence fell among the group.

With a grave tone, Yasbel ventured, “Boss, so you’re… pregnant?”

Nolan let out a sharp gasp.

“No way! Are we about to have a mini boss?”

To Polaris Star, their loyalty was to Noella alone. The only thing that might change leadership was if Noella had a child. They'd have another boss to follow!

Mizar muttered, “Didn’t see that coming. Mr. Pollack’s got some moves.”

Noella had enough. “You all bored? I’m doubling the quota for this year’s operations!”

A chorus of groans and complaints filled the call.

Their boss was inhumane! Was this what pregnancy mood swings were like?

Noella frowned. “It’s about Garrick. He wants to take back the leadership of Polaris Star. He’s weighing whether to lead me or to have me eliminated.”

Garrick, the original leader of Polaris Star and the founder of the Polaris Star Project, wanted his position back?

On the video call, twenty-four members listened in, Noella included. This generation of Polaris Star was missing four members from the start.

Deacon, usually the quiet one, said softly, “How old is Garrick now? Besides, he left Polaris Star. We don’t acknowledge him.”

Enoch added, “Think about it. In Garrick’s eyes, he’d probably want to eliminate us too!”

A chilling silence took over as everyone pondered Enoch’s words.

Garrick, who even disdained their leader Noella, probably wouldn't spare the rest of them either.

Noella nodded. “When he left, he took some people with him, probably looking to replace us. His version of Polaris Star is history. Now, it's us who call the shots!”

Warm smiles spread across their faces.

Following Noella was what gave their lives meaning!

Noella stated, “The purpose of this meeting is to inform you that I won’t let Garrick go easily. We’re in for some tough times ahead. Overtime is on the horizon.”

Mizar wiped away a tear.

No words were spoken, but it was clear. The battle against Garrick was for them!

Garrick, as the founder of the Polaris Star project, was responsible for their plight. Because of him, they became orphans enduring countless tortures and experiments.

Yasbel and Nolan, the twins, had been taken by illegal means, only to return home to find their family gone!

Many within the Obelisk Organization were failed Polaris Star experiments. Just the thought of the daily electrocutions and the barrage of drugs used to forcibly enhance their intellect and physical abilities was enough to send shivers down any Polaris Star member’s spine!

Garrick believed in the innate evil of humanity, wanting to create an emotionless, thoughtless army. It was Noella who showed them the meaning of life!

Yasbel, flipping her hair, said playfully, “You’re the boss, so you call the shots. Our lives were saved by you; they’re yours to command.”


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