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The Killer Queen ( Noella Briony ) novel Chapter 3


Briony was freaking out that If things got too heated, Noella might bail on leaving

Mom, I’ll hit the mall with you later to chill you out. I heard that Master Azure’s new fall collection is out, and if we’re late, It’ll be sold out. You know Master Azure’s stuff is always priceless.- 

Briony was secretly thrilled at the thought of Noella having zilch to do with these highsociety luxuries, maybe even having to get up at dawn to feed the chickens. She couldn’t help but smirk, her eyes landing on the car at the door. Suddenly, she gasped

Yikes, what’s up with that car” 

Everyone looked where she was pointing

Briony had never seen such a casual sedan before

The car was pitch black with zero bling, and the logo was something Briony had never laid eyes on definitely not a luxury brand or anything

Moreover, the car was filthy as hell, caked in dust so thick it almost had a matte finish

The idea that this vehicle might’ve rolled straight out of some chicken coop in Emerald County, possibly with chicken poop still on the tires, disgusted the Lambert family, causing them to recoil and step back in revulsion

Talk about embarrassing

The driver hopped out, his gaze scanning until it landed on Noella

In an instant, he knew she was the one he was there for

Her face, a dead ringer for Mrs. Schnabel’s, was unforgettable at a glance- captivating and clear, as if she had stepped out of a painting, impossible to look away from

The driver bowed. Miss, welcome home! The lord and lady have a special status and couldn’t come to get you, the one and only Miss in the family, themselves. We hope you aren’t upset about it. We’ve got a welcome home bash ready for you. Unfortunately, we got caught in a dust storm on the way here, so we didn’t have time to wash the car.” 

Noella couldn’t figure out the car’s brand either, but it looked kinda familiar

Wasn’t Emerald County supposed to be some backwater? Why was there even a car

Her family seemed different from what she’d imagined

The one and only Miss? Thought I had an elder sister?” 

Yes, you’re the only daughter of the young master and his lady. Old Lady Schnabel said no matter what, you’re the only true Miss of the family! The other young masters and misses have no objections. From now on, at home, your word is law! I’m Wren, the lord’s driver. This is his 

personal car. Everyone’s stoked for you to come home!” 

Wren spoke with sincere earnestness, his face sporting the honest grin typical of the trustworthy type

Anxious not to upset Noella, he explained everything in detail

Noella frowned slightly, this family seemed different from Vincent’s description

Wren opened the car door, respectfully saying. I’ll go grab your luggage. If there’s too much, I’ll get more people to help. Don’t worry, we’ll get it all moved today.” 

Wren didn’t know how much luggage Noella had, but figured a young lady would have plenty

Last time he helped a lady from the family move, even her stuffed animals had to come along took a whole ten trucks

Noella got in the car, simply stating. No need. Let’s go.” 

Wren was a bit stunned, then somewhat dazed

It was the first time he met the miss, and she spoke just like the young masters at home

Wren quickly nodded. Alright, do you have any other orders? Your folks told me to thank your foster parents, If you got anything to say, I’ll pass it along.” 

Noella was about to decline when Wren suddenly got drenched head to toe with a bucket of water, chilling him to the bone

Speechless, Wren’s glasses were speckled with droplets, and the water had a weird smell to it

Is this how they welcome guests in Tranquility City?” 

Behind Wren, the Lambert family’s nanny clapped her hands, setting down her bucket

Oops, just dumping some veggie water, didn’t see you there. Thought I’d give your car a quick rinse, no biggie, right?” 

Wren was gobsmacked

Not only had she dirtied his clothes, but he also still had the Schnabel family’s thankyou gift for the Lambert family on him

A contract worth billions, along with a hefty network, all down the drain

The Schnabel family racked their brains over what to gift and ended up deciding on resources to lend the Lambert family a hand. That’s what the Schnabel couple stressed for him to deliver personally

Now it was all ruined

The nanny Alena, after dumping the water and seeing he wasn’t mad, gave him a defiant glance and waddled back inside

Vincent hurried out to smooth things over



Sorry about that, our nanny’s just obsessed with cleanliness. Can’t have such a dirty car rolling up to our place” 

Reading between the lines, Wren’s ride was too filthy for their taste

Wren quickly pulled out the stilldripping documents, trying to hand them to Vincent

Mr. Lambert, this is our family’s gift to you, for taking good care of the miss all these years… 

Belinda snickered

The guy in front of her must be Noella’s real dad

Wearing dusty, noname clothes, probably just came from working the fields

A hick farmer, his face flushed from the highland air, calling Noella misspure Mary Sue stuff. Belinda searched but found zilch on the car it had to be some junker the bumpkin borrowed 

for show

She scoffed, Alright, take her and scram. We’ve got to take Briony to get her custom fall fashion. We’ll be late!” 

With that, she dragged Vincent back inside, slamming the door shut

Wren, looking at the soggy papers in his hand, thought, the gift never made it. Guess he’d ask what to do once back

These people… 

Wren couldn’t shake the feeling they didn’t seem to care much for the miss

Shaking his head, Wren hurried back to the car and drove Noella away from the Lambert 



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