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The Killer Queen ( Noella Briony ) novel Chapter 33

Chapter 33 

At the Lambert ancestral home in Linefort City

Jasper’s hired muscle flew in by chopper and, while still several feet from the ground, yanked Vincent out and dumped him right at the doorstep of the Lambert ancestral horne

Vincent, well into his fifties, nearly broke every bone in his old body

DammitDo you even know the law? This is assault, pure and simple!” 

The bodyguard, sporting dark shades, Just gave a lopsided grin and sneered. Our boss said we’re doing you a solid, dropping you home. You know exactly how you treated Ms. Noelladon’t play innocent!” 

Vincent was speechless

This was completely different

Noella was just a heartless country bumpkin while he was the high and mighty CEO of the Lambert family

After making the delivery, the bodyguard hopped back on the chopper and took off

Blown around by the helicopter’s downdraft, Vincent’s hair was a mess, his suit was wrinkled, and his face was caked with dust and dirt, making him look like a beggar

The actual beggars at the Lambert ancestral home’s gate nearly mistook him for one of their 


Vincent was fuming. He whipped out his phone to call the cops, but, of course, there was no signal

Maddox, who was in charge of guarding the old homestead, spotted Vincent and hurried over to greet him

Mr. Lambert, why didn’t you give us a headsup? Here to donate?” 

Vincent was speechless again

He was too proud to come back home without fanfare, always making a big show of donating like 30 to 50 grand, turning it into a spectacle the whole village knew about

Vincent changed the subject. How come there’s not even a proper road in this place?” 

Ah, Mr. Lambert, you’re here to fund road construction? That’s fantastic! I’ll go tell the mayor right now!” 

Vincent quickly grabbed him

No, no, get me out of here first. My phone’s got no signal; I can’t make any donations to the village!” 



Chapter 33 

What? Mr. Lambert, you’re also gonna build us a cell tower? That’s amazing!” 

Damn that Maddox! Playing dumb because of his selective hearing

Vincent couldn’t say he wouldn’t donate, and he really didn’t want to shell out cash for these yokels. He grabbed hold of Maddox

I’ve got a big deal to negotiate. Get me out of here. Does this village even have a car?” 

Maddox grinned from ear to ear. Sure do. Let me pull it here for you!” 

Vincent was baffled. What kind of vehicle needed pulling

While Maddox was off to get the vehicle,Vincent looked up at the Lambert ancestral home

He grew up here, but it took blood, sweat, and tears to make something of himself in Tranquility City, to become a known and respected tycoon. He never wanted to come back

Now, looking at it, the house seemed to have been refurbished

Someone used topnotch materials, even planted Old Mrs. Lambert’s favorite osmanthus tree by the doora mature tree of this variety could easily fetch 200 grand at auction

There was no way he was behind this renovation. Why would he spend money on fixing up this rundown place

Could it be that Milford Rosenberg, out of respect for Briony, secretly spruced up the place to surprise the family

The more Vincent thought about it, the more it made sense

What an amazing soninlaw

Even though the Rosenberg family had hit a rough patch, it was still not to be underestimated, given its previous glory. Besides, they had always been a notch above the Lamberts

Lucky for Briony, she had always been close to Milford, unlike Noella, who was always so lukewarm towards those blueblood boys

Once back, he would definitely need to talk about Briony’s engagement with the Rosenbergscan’t let a catch like that get away

Lost in his happy thoughts, Vincent’s daydream was shattered when Maddox showed up with 

an actual ox cart

The old ox clearly had seen better days, stopping to rest after every step

Mr. Lambert, this is the only ox cart we’ve got. Hop on, and we’ll make it to town by dawn!” 

Vincent’s voice was trembling. There’s transportation in town?” 

Yep, tractors. From there, hop on a bus, and you’ll be in Linefort City in no time!” 

Vincent remembered



Chapter 33 

The reason he hadn’t come back for years was because it was such a hassle to leave! Linefort City had no airport; he would have to take the rickety old train to the nearest one

Years ago, when the village asked him to donate for road construction, he thought it wasn’t worth it since he couldn’t brag about it, so he donated to Tranquility City’s overpass instead, barely making it onto the donor list among all the other wealthy benefactors

Maddox called out cheerfully. “Mr. Lambert, come on up. Once it gets light, the old ox has to plow the fields!” 

Cursing under his breath, Vincent pinched his nose and climbed atop the ox cart, dodging cow dung and hay

Maddox signaled to a beggar, Take Mr. Lambert to town.” 

The cart lurched forward, shaking so violently that Vincent’s sandwich lunch threatened to make a comeback

Maddox chuckled as he watched Vincent’s retreating figure. He pulled out a smartphone equipped with satellite GPS and dialed Noella

Ms. Noella, got everything Mr. Lambert said about donating for roads and a cell tower on video. Sending it your way now!” 

Appreciate it.” 

Maddox’s wrinkled face split into a grin

No trouble at all. If it weren’t for your help, our village would’ve been toast a long time ago, not to mention the renovations you funded for the ancestral home and the village!” 

It’s Grandma’s house. It’s the least I could do.” 

Noella peeped at the video Maddox sent her and then locked her phone

There was this tiny village nestled in the Linefort City mountains, where Old Mrs. Lambert had weathered her whole life. Noella would guard it with her life, no doubt

Five days later, at Tranquility City Police Station

The cop swung open the slammer door and let the Lambert ladies walk free

Vincent, rocking a scruffy beard and looking all kinds of wiped, waited at the door

Belinda was gobsmacked at the sight of him

Babe, how come you look like you’ve been through the wringer more than I did, and I was the one behind bars for days?” 

Vincent was on the verge of tears! He hustled back from Linefort City, burning rubber to pull every string the Lambert family had to spring the motherdaughter duo


Let’s just hit the road home,he sighed

Belinda grabbed Vincent’s arm. Did that little brat Noella choose to settle?” 

I’m the one who got you out, using my connections. If Noella wanted to push it, you’d be back in the clink” 


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