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The Killer Queen ( Noella Briony ) novel Chapter 41

Chapter 41 

Serene Haven was buzzing with energy early in the morning. Both the Schnabel family at Phoenix Tower and the Pollack family at Dragon Tower were swamped with visitors

After all, their buildings just 

happened to be next to each other

The guests all prepared two gifts just in case someone from either family took a shine to them

People almost wore out the Schnabelsdoorstep with all the giftgiving traffic

Yvonne’s rich girlfriends, who were tight with her, were green with envy seeing such a turnout

Yvonne, your family is really going all out for you, throwing such a bash for your birthday. I heard they even transferred the deed of this house to you!” 

Oh my gosh, Yvonne, you’re living the dream! I heard it’s being streamed worldwide; talk about parental love!” 

Yvonne’s smile was a bit on the stiff side. It’s not my birthday.” 

The gals thought she was just being shy

We know your birthday’s next week. You’re the only daughter of the Schnabels. If it’s not for your birthday, then what’s all the fuss about? Your dad, mom, and brothers probably want to celebrate just with you next week, so they’re doing it big now!” 

That carpet you’re walking on costs a cool three mil! That’s so Schnabel family it hurts. We’re so jealous!” 

Yvonne was super awkward. She was totally at a loss for words! If only she knew how much she wished all of this was for her

Don’t be like thatMy parents don’t like making such a big deal.” 

Her friends gave her a playful nudge with their shoulders, and one of them said with a raised eyebrow and a smirk, You’re one lucky girl. To be with you, your fiancé even bought the building next door. Those two towers are a match made in heaven; it’s envyinducing.” 

Palmer’s got romantic moves like that?” 

Ah, I’d kill for a fiancé that’s as romantic and thoughtful as yours!” 

Palmer bought the building next door? Yvonne thought it must be for her

He had no idea the Schnabels had any other daughters, so that purchase had to be for her

Yvonne’s heart was buzzing with sweetness

It’s nothing: I’ll invite you all over sometime.” 

Her friends let out sounds of envy

Chapter 41 

Meanwhile Vincent had been waiting at the hotel for the better part of the day and hadn’t seen the hide or hair of the four bosses from several companies for lunch. The cheapest banquet he booked for 999 was about to go cold

His secretary made a dozen calls, then came over to Vincent, sweating bullets

Mr. Lambert, the bosses from the East Sea Culture Company, West Ocean Media, North Peak Finance, and South Mountain Financial all went to give gifts to Ms. Schnabel for her birthday party today.” 

Vincent perked up. To get all those big shots to giftgive, the Schnabels really are something. Get a present ready: we’re heading to Imperial City to give Ms. Schnabel our best!” 

If they managed to catch the Schnabelseye, who would worry about future partners

Vincent started daydreaming about the Lambert family becoming the top dogs of Tranquility. City tomorrow if only the Schnabels would take him under their wing

What should we gift Ms. Schnabel?” 

Vincent took a bite of his food but nearly spit it back out

Nine hundred ninetynine for a vast spread, and he even got quite a sum in commission. It was. no wonder he could tell some of the grub was yesterday’s leftovers; even the cucumbers tasted off

He put down his cutlery and wiped his mouth. The Schnabels are used to the good stuff; Ms. Schnabel probably won’t be impressed with anything. It’s the thought that counts!” 

Just grab something from my wife’s jewelry box, and let’s hit the road to Imperial City.” 

Got it; I’ll grab something right away!” 

Whenever it was time to give a gift. Vincent would just snatch something from Belinda’s vanity. If she found out later, she couldn’t say much.. 

It was all about being thrifty and free

An hour later, Vincent’s ride pulled up in front of Serene Haven in Imperial City

He stepped out and was instantly petrified by the scene before him

Holy moly, Ms. Schnabel’s birthday bash is no joke. Look at this crowd!” 

The bigwigs one would typically only see on the business news were all lined up at the Schnabelsdoorstep, gift boxes in hand, waiting to sign in

Come on, let’s bring up our gift. If just one boss lays eyes on our company, the Lamberts are going places. And if the Schnabels take a shine to us, even better.” 

Vincent, holding a box that was a bit worn out, peeked inside at a pearl necklace and joined the queue to give gifts



The Lambert family from Tranquility City, here for Ms. Schnabel’s birthday.” 

Wen, who was loading the gifts, was confused

This name rand a bell it sounded like the family he had seen when picking up Noella before

Wren looked up and sure enough, there was Vincent’s familiar muat 

Thinking about how they even put out a public notice to disown Noella got Wren’s blood boiling. What a dem Noella was, hanging out with her grandpa Marcel almost every day. From his old ww buddies to the doorman at Imperial West Hospital, everybody loved her

Wren, with an icy stare, said, We’re not accepting this. You can leave.” 

Vincent was frantic

What do you mean you’re not accepting it? I’m here to wish Ms. Schnabel a happy birthday!” 

Wren turned to a servant behind him. Go get the young masters.” 

The moment the Schnabel boys heard that the Lambert family was causing a ruckus in the banquet hall, their vibes went through the roof, and they threw on their coats and stormed out

All four of them were real catches, tall and decked out in black tailcoats like princes and Knights straight out of a fairy tale except they all had their game faces on, chilling the air so much that folks outside the banquet hall were quaking in their boots

Vincent’s calves started twitching uncontrollably at the sight of these guys

Man, it only he could snag one of them as a soninlaw, the Lambert family would be sitting pretty for life

Beckett said with an icy voice, The Schnabel family doesn’t roll out the welcome mat for you. so beat it.” 

Vincent was sweating bullets

I was just dropping off a gift for Ms. Schnabel. No need to get nastyI mean, it’s the young. miss’s birthday, wouldn’t hurt to rack up some good karma, right?” 

Ulrich retorted, I wouldn’t mind giving you a beatdown and tossing you out halfcrippled, you 


Vincent was speechless

When did he ever cross the Schnabels? Why were they so ready to throw punches as soon as he opened his mouth

Stirling chimed in, Wren, next time someone makes trouble at our doorstep, just chuck em into the dog pen. My new Tibetan Mastiff is still hungry!” 


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