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The Killer Queen ( Noella Briony ) novel Chapter 435

Sienna's phone buzzed with a message, and she was instantly fueled with righteous anger. With rapid-fire thumbs, she hammered out a response.

"Even if my daughter-in-law isn't perfect, she's only 'afflicting' my son, and that's our business, not yours!"

"My son finally finds a girl who's willing to settle for him, and you've got the nerve to criticize? Mind your own beeswax!"

Still fuming, Sienna couldn't resist checking out the profile of her critic. She bypassed their other posts until one caught her eye—a snide comment about a female celebrity being 'a bit chubby'.

Sienna couldn't hold back, typing swiftly: "Oh, like you're so slim? You probably don't weigh more than a feather!"

After posting, she grumbled, "Why's everyone picking on the poor girl? She's talented and doesn't even mind our son’s quirks!"

The thought of a public proposal was beyond Sienna; she'd never have the nerve herself!

Tristan, her husband, seemed cautious. "Honey, aren't you worried this girl might actually be trouble?"

"Trouble? As if your 'mom issues' aren't a bigger problem?" Sienna shot back, leaving Tristan speechless.

The reference to 'mom issues' was a sore spot—Tristan's dad had made some questionable choices in his day.

Despite past drama with Ashlyn, Sienna still worried about her eldest.

"Time to book flights home!" she declared.

Then, another message popped up.

"She can't have kids. Looks like your Schnabel lineage is doomed!"

Sienna's eyes widened in shock. No children?

"If our daughter-in-law can't have kids, we'll just have to nurture her health. Could it be a cold womb or something congenital?"

The concern was palpable in her voice.

Another message arrived, hinting at a past abortion. Sienna relaxed slightly.

"A past child means it's not a congenital issue! Looks like we need to focus on improving her overall health."

Tristan tiptoed around the subject. "Sweetheart, you're not holding this against our future daughter-in-law, are you?"

Sienna pocketed her phone. "Our son chose her. Whatever she's like, it's his decision. With Beckett's judgment, do you really think he'd choose poorly?"

Becoming the Schnabel family's matriarch wasn't easy!

"I don't buy into this gossip, nor do I doubt our future daughter-in-law. But I trust our children."

At the proposal scene, Noella was still seated, her keen eye for people evident.

Sienna trusted Beckett and Noella's judgment, preferring not to meddle in their affairs.

Tristan suggested they treat this as a vacation instead of getting involved. "Let's enjoy ourselves. The kids will figure it out."

That thought alone was enough to convince Sienna.


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