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The Killer Queen ( Noella Briony ) novel Chapter 447

Pearl leisurely sipped her Ceylon tea, savoring the moment.

"This meeting with Mr. Schnabel is about making amends. Remember, humility is key," she advised with a tone that brooked no argument.

Luna murmured under her breath, "But the mess at the venue wasn't even my fault..."

If it weren't for the Patel family's connections bailing her out, she'd still be tasting the bitter reality of a holding cell right now.

Pearl wasn't concerned about the incident at the venue. Luna was her granddaughter, the heir she was grooming, and she knew her temperament better than anyone. The mishap was due to Luna's naivety and underestimation of the Schnabel family's influence—a mistake of youth and inexperience.

"You're still young, Luna. There are many things you don't understand about men," Pearl continued. "Especially someone like Beckett. He's one in a million. Women flock around him, and showing your temper like that won't get his attention."

Luna felt indignant. "But I've been holding back my temper!"

"Holding back? Was embarrassing his sister in front of him 'holding back'? Forget that Ms. Schnabel is set to marry into the Pollack family for a second. Considering how much Beckett adores his sister, why would you antagonize her?"

Pearl saw Luna's behavior as petty. Such matters were hardly worth getting upset over.

"I'll tell you this once: A man like Beckett won't be drawn to your true self. He's attracted to talented and capable women who can handle themselves. You're too greedy; tone it down."

Luna clenched her teeth. "But Grandma, that bumpkin proposed to Beckett right there at the event, and he accepted... Isn't he into those kinds of dramatic gestures?"

Pearl smiled knowingly. "Even marriage has its end in divorce. Why worry? These things don't matter. Besides, being friends with Beckett will still benefit you in the long run. Every man has his close female friends. You don't necessarily have to marry him. Sure, being Mrs. Schnabel would be nice, but even as the mother of his child, the baby would still bear the Schnabel name."

Luna's eyes widened with realization. "You're amazing, Grandma!"

Next door, through the ornate partition separating the dining spaces, Malvina couldn't help but overhear the entire conversation.

These two were plotting openly as if the walls were soundproof.

Lately, Malvina craved nothing but the dishes from Rising Glory Group's restaurants, a craving heightened by her pregnancy. Beckett, ever the doting husband, had arranged a private dining room for her, ensuring every meal was perfectly tailored to her whims.

As Malvina indulged in her dessert, her phone discreetly recorded the neighboring conversation.

"I never thought dinner out would include a live comedy show," she mused to herself, amused by the audacity of planning to become a mistress so openly.

The discussion about securing a Schnabel heir was particularly entertaining. Malvina smirked, ready to enjoy the unfolding drama.

Pearl checked her diamond-studded watch, growing impatient. "Why hasn't Mr. Schnabel arrived? He wouldn't miss a meeting arranged by me."

"Shall we call him?" Luna suggested.

After several unanswered calls, Pearl's demeanor soured.

Luna, frustrated, knocked over the tableware. "What's his problem? Not even the courtesy of a response!"

"Calm down. Once you marry into the Schnabel family, you'll have plenty of time to throw tantrums," Pearl reassured her.

Suddenly, Malvina's voice carried over from the next room, feigning surprise at Beckett's generosity toward her and their unborn child.

"Indeed, the baby will carry the Schnabel name. After all, Beckett's already ensured our child's inheritance," Malvina announced loud enough for Luna and Pearl to overhear, her voice dripping with sarcasm.


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