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The Killer Queen ( Noella Briony ) novel Chapter 45

Chapter 45 

Beckett had a brainwave

If this video is legit and my sis has got the hots for someone else, and we let this dude marry into the Schnabel family, then Noella’s never gonna leave the nest! As for Palmer, the Pollack family’s a big deal in Imperial City and around the globe, so you bet they’ve got their fair share of family drama

If Noella actually ties the knot with them, who knows if they’ll even get to hang out much after that

Beckett caught his siblings just as they were about to blow a fuse. He looked at Noella all sweetlike and asked, Noella, do you dig this guy? Don’t sweat it. In our family, as long as you’re happy, that’s all that matters. Whoever it is, we’re cool with it. If you’re not into them, forget about fancy doors, and if you are, heck, even if they drive for Uber, it’s all good!” 

Palmer’s eyes lit up like fireworks, all eager, looking at Noella

We’re just friends, no crush or anything.” 

Beckett nodded, Friends are cool, who knows what could happen down the line.” 

Mr. Pollack, since Noella’s got someone she’s into, maybe we should revisit this arranged engagement thing. I mean, you probably aren’t keen on some oldschool arranged deal either. right? Young folks should be all about free love.” 

Palmer had a grin like a sunrise on his face. I agree, and so Noella and I are all about that free love. The dude driving in the video? That’s me.” 

The four Schnabel brothers were in shock

Tristan was all What the heck?” 

The car in the video wasn’t worth the lint on Palmer’s clothes, and he was saying he was the 


Palmer turned and strutted over to the big screen, looking all sharp and standout in his tailored suit. He hooked up his phone to the screen and quickly pulled up a’video

It was from the driver’s POV, showing Noella waiting for a ride at the roadside. Just a couple of seconds long, but it had all the goods

Sorry about this, didn’t expect someone to catch a video of Noella and me. It was just a bit of fun between us. When we throw our wedding party, we’d love for you all to come.” 

Everyone was floored

Who would’ve thought Palmer was the guy in that clunker

Ya know, that ride’s kinda trendy. I might get one myself.” 


Mr. Pollack and Noella are so chummy. It looks like he’s been picking her up from work every day!” 

The Schnabel family was like, What?” 

Tristan and Sienna were over the moon

So all this time, it’s been Palmer chauffeuring their girl in this charmingly vintage set of wheels. for the sake of keeping it lowkey. So romantic

Looks like Palmer’s really into their daughter, and she seems to have a soft spot for him, too. That smile when she hops in the car is just like back when they were young and in love

Jasper was a bit miffed. Mr. Pollack, you’re picking up my sis in this junker? You dissing the Schnabel family or what?” 

Palmer was the picture of politeness. Not at all, Noella picked this car when we first met, so I thought she liked the brand. As a present, I’ve bought her an entire car brand

Jasper’s mood improved a ton

If sis likes it, it’s gotta be the real deal

Noella looked at Palmer, a tad conflicted

When did you film this?” 

I noticed we were being filmed, so I shot this as a precaution. Also, I wanted to capture you.” 

That killer instinct for his surroundings was legit, but what was up with the second half

Tristan saw them getting along so well, all pleased as punch

Mr. Pollack, Noella, since you’re both here, how about the opening dance? The first dance at Noella’s birthday party with Mr. Pollack would be just perfect!” 

They were planning on having the Schnabel brothers take turns dancing with Noella. Now with Palmer here and an engagement on the books, he’s definitely the top pick

Palmer’s gaze was burning with intensity. He bowed slightly and offered his hand to Noella

May I have the honor of the first dance with you, my dear fiancée?” 

Protocol says you can’t turn down the first dance

Facing the expectant looks from the Schnabel parents and Palmer’s deep eyes, Noella reluctantly agreed


The romantic waltz filled the air, the royal orchestra’s lead violinist struck up the tune, and the piano melody flowed with the swirl of elegant dresses

Palmer held onto Noella’s slender waist, and they glided across the dance floor together

12:14 – 

You look stunning today, my dear fiancée,said Palmer

Noella was speechless. She’s got a name, why keep calling her fiance? What’s he up to 

A little payback for Beckett’s talk of calling off their engagement? She had no clue he could be 

so petty

The dashing man, tall and mighty, and the delicate girl in his arms, their steps in perfect sync left everyone’s hearts pounding

It was sheer perfection! This opening dance could go straight into the etiquette textbookst 

A daughter of the Schnabel family and the helmsman of the Pollack family, the epitome of grace

Yvonne, biting her handkerchief, envied the dancing couple, bubbling with jealousy. She was the one who should’ve been dancing with Palmer! She’d dressed to the nines today, hoping to steal the show, but her video plot flopped, and Palmer claimed the footage

Yvonne turned to her nanny, tearyeyed

What do we do now? Palmer’s dancing with her, and I’m the joke!” 

She was all dolled up and not a single soul had asked her to dance

Even Tristan didn’t acknowledge she existed

The nanny wasn’t fazed and consoled her, Miss Yvonne, don’t sweat it. Being the belle of the ball tonight doesn’t mean squatting for the future. The higher you climb, the harder you fall. Just wait until Mr. Schnabel realizes you’re the cream of the crop, the real Schnabel family gem. Your time in the spotlight will dwarf this one. And just so you know, Miss Noella isn’t even on the family tree yet.” 

The family tree! To get on the Schnabel family’s tree, Marcel and Ashlyn both gotta give the 

thumbs up

With Ashlyn’s current vibe towards Noella, It’s a snowball’s chance in hell she’d let her on that tree. As long as Noella’s not on it, Yvonne still has a shot

You’re right, but with Palmer being so sweet on her, what chance do I stand?” 

Mr. Pollack just met Miss Noella, and he hasn’t seen much of girls from the poorhouse before. It’s all just for show to save face. It’s all an act. If you ask me, Miss Yvonne, you still got a shot!” 

Yvonne watched as Noella and Palmer finished their first dance in the ballroom

Palmer was bending over, planting a kiss on the back of Noella’s hand


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