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The Killer Queen ( Noella Briony ) novel Chapter 457

"This doesn't make any sense!"

The Schnabels had a handful of sons who were nothing short of remarkable, yet Tristan felt like his genes had hit the jackpot of evolution itself.

But when it came to Noella, Tristan was half-convinced his genetics had gone rogue!

How could his daughter be this incredible?

Noella explained, “For Da Vinci, painting was just a hobby, so all of this is just my hobby too.”

She had picked up some skills on the side, never expecting to excel the way she did.

If it weren’t for not wanting the Schnabels to worry, Noella wouldn’t have even mentioned it.

A hobby?

Girl, saying it like that makes your dad's expensive, yet utterly useless hobbies seem even more worthless...

Tristan felt a twinge in his knee.

Gritting his teeth, he said, “Well, you’re still my precious daughter! I can’t let you face danger alone. No, I need to call Palmer to come with you!”

Having Palmer tag along gave Tristan some peace of mind.

While speaking, Tristan dialed Palmer's number and explained the situation.

"Palmer, you've got to go with Noella! With you by her side, I'll feel a lot better."

After all, their precious daughter was soft and sweet, a real heartbreaker if anything were to happen to her out there!

Tristan was nearly in tears.

"If someone called me with a scam, claiming Noella was in trouble, I’d be there in a heartbeat!"

Sometimes, being tricked isn't about being foolish; it's about caring too much!

Noella understood that too!

Palmer quickly agreed, “Got it, I’ll pick up Noella right away.”

This was originally Noella's own battle, and she hadn’t planned on dragging Palmer into it, but his prompt and decisive response warmed her heart.

Whether it was the Schnabels or Palmer, she knew she was cherished.


Shortly after, a tall figure appeared at the Schnabel residence.

The foyer was filled with an array of large and small gift boxes, leaving Sienna Horwich speechless!

"Palmer, it's great you came, but why bring all this?"

"It's engagement gifts from my mom's side, and also for aunt and uncle and grandpa."

Palmer's engagement, though his mother couldn't be there, included many items Kendra Fowler had prepared in her lifetime, along with gifts from the Fowler family too!

Sienna quickly had the butler take everything, her face beaming with joy!

Watching Palmer head upstairs to talk business with Marcel, Sienna felt like any mother-in-law admiring a son-in-law, more pleased with each glance.

Taking Noella by the hand into the kitchen, Sienna said softly, “Palmer and his mom haven’t been in touch for years, so these gifts, they really show his effort!”

It was Palmer's way of showing his respect for Noella and the Schnabels!

The gifts might not have been extravagantly expensive for either family, but they symbolized Palmer's sincerity.

Noella nodded, her eyes soft.

“I understand.”

Handing Noella a fruit platter, Sienna smiled, “Men, what they need is just the right attitude.”

Malvina, curious, asked, “Mom, you and dad have been so good for so many years, how do you do it?”

Sienna proudly replied, “Part of it, because Tristan is a good man! And part, well, marriage takes work.

“When I had just given birth to Beckett, the Schnabel business was struggling, and your dad liked to gamble. One night he lost tens of thousands, I didn't say a word. But when he came home, there was only veggies and tofu on the dinner table. He thought we were broke, felt so guilty, he never gambled again!”


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