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The Killer Queen ( Noella Briony ) novel Chapter 53

Chapter 53 

Yvonne’s eyes lit up

Miss Yvonne, there are loads of loaded folks on the deep web. You could make a killing without even trying.” 

Yvonne was itching to give it a go, and cautiously she opened up the deep web. Sure enough, there were a bunch of highticket orders waiting

The top few orders all came from the same account, untouched by anyone

Thorpe’s trying to rope in Phantom Surgeon Lunaris to treat his family, with a whopping offer of a billion bucks! That’s a truckload of cash! But I don’t know squat about medicine” 

Even though she majored in medicine back in college, she never attended those classes. The thought of dissections with mice and bunnies made her see those folks as nothing but crude and filthy

So she paid others to attend all her classes. Now, forget medical skills, she couldn’t even make heads or tails of a basic prescription

The nanny was unimpressed

Aren’t you trained in medicine? Treating a patient should be a walk in the park for you, right? I see a lot of doctors these days just googling stuff and scribbling down some meds. If anything comes up, you can just hit up Dr. Calvin. This could be your shot to strut your stuff.” 

And we’re talking a billion dollars here

Yvonne was practically squirming with excitement

But she was terrified she’d be tonguetied when the time came. Better to check out the other 

orders first

She shut down the laptop, not realizing she had inadvertently clicked accepton the order

I’m off to take an exam at school. I’ll check out the easier orders when I get back.” 

Sure thing.” 

Yvonne always had someone else sit her exams in exchange for cash, but she was dead broke now, couldn’t cough up the money for a standin. Time to face the music herself

After wrapping up a surgery, Ulrich didn’t even have time to catch his breath before rushing off 

to the lab

He knew all too well the kind of characters his lab doctors were a bunch of snooty. selfrighteous types. He had to pull out all the stops just to get them to willingly follow his lead



Chapter 53 

If he got back late, they’d surely give his sister a hard time

As soon as he walked into the lab, Ulrich saw Calvin engrossed in examining over three hundred samples

Professor Calvin? What brings you here? Where’s my sister?” 

She’s out dining with Mr. Pollack. I wanted to take another look at the data, thought we could go over it together when you’re back.” 

Ulrich thought, Palmer sure has a knack for timing! He knew when he said they’d go eat together he was just pulling his leg. He wanted a oneonone dinner date with his sister

Calvin handed the research data to Ulrich

Take a look.” 

Ulrich speedread through the data, his expression growing serious. His eyes scanned over to Calvin’s signature, and he got the picture

This was after all about Sexton and his own grandfather. His sister must have wanted the data ASAP, which is why Professor Calvin was called in for the experiment

With Calvin on board, it’s no wonder the data came back so quickly

Professor Calvin, we owe you one for this experiment. Just so happens our lab got a new batch of reagents. Let’s give you a sample, shall we?” 

Calvin was grinning ear to ear

Samples from Ulrich’s lab? Those were treasures you couldn’t even beg for

He couldn’t believe his luck helping out and scoring big time. The Schnabel family sure knows how to spread the wealth


Meanwhile, Palmer took Noella to a Secret Kitchen in the city center

The quaint courtyard was adorned with pricey plants and flowers, with the peohy in the center probably the one that sold for three million at the last auction. The welcoming pine at the gate was also worth a million

To the uninitiated, this place seemed too intimidating to even enter

Dining here required a hefty bank balance check beforehand you wouldn’t be a target 

customer without millions in the bank

The owner of the secret kitchen stood before Palmer and said, Mr. Pollack, your private room is ready. Right this way, please.” 

Noella, let’s go.” 

Dishes were served one after another, each in just a small portion


Chapter 51 

The owner explained, Mr. Pollack wanted to know what you like, Miss Schnabel, so from now on, we’ll only serve what you prefer. The rest of the menu will be discontinued!” 

Noella frowned slightly. Isn’t this a bit much? What about other customers?” 

Don’t worry, miss. The restaurant has been transferred to your name. From now on, it caters only to your tastes!” 

Noella was overwhelmed

Palmer chuckled. I noticed you liked this courtyard when we drove past last time. Since it’s part of the Pollack Group’s holdings, I transferred it to you.” 

Last time she casually mentioned that the pine at the entrance looked sprightly and now she inexplicably owns a restaurant

There’s no need to tailor everything to my taste. It’s a restaurant; it needs to do business.. Where will the staff’s wages come from otherwise?” 

They’ll be paid by me. But now that you own the place, you call the shots.” 

The owner was almost in tears

Noella was just too kind! She even cared about their wages

Truth be told, even without a year’s business, they wouldn’t be short on salary. But who wouldn’t want a considerate boss

After a moment of silence. Noella turned to the owner

I don’t need to be fussy when I come here. Bring me a taste of everything.” 

Yes, miss. We understand!” 

Now that she owned the place, popping in to guide the kitchen once in a while wouldn’t hurt

The last chef she mentored became an international pastry master, though his skills were still pretty basic

Palmer looked at Noella with a gaze full of tender affection

Do you like it here? The Pollack Group has more properties like this. I’ll take you around 


Noella was like, why should I tour around the Pollack Group’s properties

Thank you for your help with Grandpa’s medication,said Palmer

Noella nodded, her clear eyes rippling with beauty. The slipup in the ward isn’t your fault, so don’t be too hard on yourself.” 

Palmer’s eyes lit up! He definitely smelled a rat when he noticed the two oldtimers had conspired to fish for trouble otherwise, the hospital wouldn’t be popping off like this

The oldies basically rolled out the red carpet for those guys to exploit loopholes, while also 



Chapter 53 

lending a hand to the younger generation. But as far as Palmer was concerned, he’d rather have Sexton kick back and enjoy his retirement

Much obliged for the comfort, my fiancée. It makes me happy!” 

When Annie cautiously knocked on the private room door, Palmer was rolling up his sleeves, peeling shrimp for Noella. His ruby cufflinks were sparkling like nobody’s business

It was the same pair he’d rocked that time they hit the bar together, and he’d been sporting them ever since

Boss, I’ve got some fresh intel” 


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