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The Killer Queen ( Noella Briony ) novel Chapter 77

Chapter 77 

After Briony hung up the phone, she was freaking out and her hands were shaking like crazy as she managed to get through to Milford

Milford had been living it up these past few days, partying hard and hitting up all the chicks around him, having the time of his life

When Milford got Briony’s call, he didn’t even think twice before hanging up on her

Mr. Rosenberg, ain’t Ms. Lambert your fiancée? Looks like she’s checking in on you!” 

Milford scoffed and lit up a cigarette. She’s already cramping my style before we’re hitched, acting like she’s the lady of the Rosenbergs! She’s definitely got no good news there. I’m not dealing with her.” 

The phone wouldn’t stop ringing, and Milford, with no other choice, picked up again

Milford! Something’s happened to my parents! Please, you gotta help me! Briony’s voice, all teary and shaky, came through the speaker, while Milford, still playing cards, gave the model beside him a kiss

Mhm, what’s up? Spell it out.” 

Somesomeone kidnapped my parents, and they’re beating up my dad! They’re saying they need five million to let them go, and I don’t have so much cash. Milford, please, you gotta save my folks!” 

Milford was surprised, Five million? Is Mr. Lambert worth that much?” 

What’s that supposed to mean, Milford? Just help us out; once my folks are safe, we’ll pay your 


Milford didn’t have that kind of dough on him either

Plus, Briony’s family nearly lost all face just yesterday at Imperial West Hospital, and Mrs. Rosenberg made it clear he should keep his distance from Briony

That girl from the ghetto wasn’t fit to step foot in the Rosenberg estate

Look, Briony, you should chill out. I ain’t got that much cash either so better ask someone else.” 


couldn’t believe Milford actually turned her down

Milford, what’s that noise over there? Where are you? I’m freaking out and can you come get me?” 

Milford wasn’t born yesterday. The Lambert girl wasn’t worth five million to him. If he went to pick up Briony now, that five million would go down the drain because the Lambert family wouldn’t pay back squat



Milford hugged the models and had a blast with drinks. He muddled it through, not giving

single thought to Briony’s crisis, I’m in the middle of a deal here, Briony. I’m doing this for our future. Don’t make a scene: gotta hang up now

Briony, hearing such suspicious noises on the other end, had a feeling Milford wasn’t really talking business. But she just couldn’t find a way to express it

What the heck was Milford up to? Why did it sound like there were women’s voices

Damn it! Must be those shameless hussies again

The call was quickly ended, and Milford didn’t offer her a dime. Briony tried calling him over a dozen times, but none were answered

Standing on the roadside, Briony stamped her foot in frustration, almost in tears worrying about the Lambert parents.. 

It’s all that Noella’s fault, our family’s mess is because of her. She’s a Jinx!” 

Yvonne, who was about to leave the set, stopped in her tracks when she heard this

Did she hear that right? Was that girl talking about Noella

Her last name was Lambert if she remembered it right. Could that mean she’s related to the family that adopted Noella before

Yvonne forced a warm smile and walked over to Briony, What’s wrong? Anything I can help 


Briony’s spirits lifted on seeing Yvonne

Ms. Schnabel, could you please give, um, lend me five million? My parents have been kidnapped, they they’re demanding five million for their release. Once my folks are safe, we’ll repay you! Five million is just pocket change to you, so please, I’m begging you to help me! I’d do anything for you” 

Yvonne’s lips curled as she asked, Are you from the Lambert family? Then you know Noella, right?” 

Yeah, I know her! She used to be my sister” 

Briony felt like Ms. Yvonne Schnabel seemed really interested in Noella’s business and, wary of having another Stirling incident, she decided to play it smart

She whipped out her phone and showed Yvonne some sneaky snaps of Noella she took in the Lambert estate

Noella was either watering plants or playing music in the photos. She was looking so serene and graceful, oblivious to being photographed

We used to live together and I took all of these. If you want to know more about Noella, we could work together later, but right now I need to save my parents. Please help me!” 


Chapter 77 

The contempt was clear in Yvonne’s eyes

The bumpkin lived in such a tiny house, and she really thought herself as sort of posh artist with that cheap music instrument? She thought

And then there’s Briony, clearly not the sharpest tool in the shed. But if she could be of use… 

Briony bit her lip, Ms. Schnabel, if you agree to help, I’ll tell you anything you want to know!” 

You know everything about Noella?” 

Absolutely. We grew up together and those pics are proof.” 

Yvonne didn’t have five million on her, or else she wouldn’t be out finding a job of acting

But she didn’t want to let Briony slip away so easily; more dirt on Noella could surely mean kicking her out of the Schnabel family

Wait for me. Give me an account number, and I’ll wire the money this afternoon.” 

Briony’s face lit up with joy. Alright! Thank you so much, Ms. Schnabel!” 

In the ward of Imperial West Hospital

Yvonne tiptoed into the hospital room and fished out Ashlyn’s phone from under her snoozing head, then she transferred some cash to her own account and slipped it back her action was smooth as silk


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