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The Killer Queen ( Noella Briony ) novel Chapter 82

Chapter 82 

Noella only realized when she got out of the car that the music store Merrick had described as sort ofactually took up a whole quaint little building right smack in the middle of Imperial. City’s busiest commercial street

The place was a full six stories of musical heaven. Whether it was a zither, piano, or guitar, they had everything on and off the market

They even had a lineup of instruments signed by the masters themselves. Pianos that international maestros had tickled the ivories on were just gathering dust in the corners here

Noella stood at the entrance of the music store and was lost for words

The gallery next door, the one the old man had lumped on her along with the music store, was already on Yasbel’s radar

Polaris Star had wanted to snap it up and run it themselves, but Yasbel was playing hardball

Beckett pointed to the jade sculptures at the entrance and said, That’s a masterpiece by the carving legend, Master Sylvie. I had to fork out a pretty penny to snag it at the auction.” 

Noella’s gaze fell on the alltoofamiliar sculpture, and she went even quieter

Those statues by the doors of the music store and gallery were her handiwork; carved during a data bottleneck at Polaris Star when she needed to cool off and rethink things. And even such pieces had fetched a cool 30 million at auction

Beckett ushered Noella into the music store, and the bustling clerks all paused from their tasks. Beckett took Noella’s hand and introduced her, From now on, this music store is Noella’s. She’s your boss. Got it?” 

The clerks exchanged glances, sensing something unusual in the air

The young lady took over such a fancy joint right after coming back, so Merrick must think the world of her

Yes, Mr. Schnabel.They replied

Beckett waved over, and two suitclad gents scurried over with fawning grins plastered on their faces, Noella, meet Terrell, the manager of the music shop. And this is Travis, manager of the gallery next door. If you need anything, these are the guys to talk to.” 

Noella nodded, going through the motions of meeting the team with Beckett

After Beckett chatted with the managers about the latest quarter’s financial of music store and gallery, he turned to find Noella standing in front of a zither

The zither was Master Rainer’s handiwork, priceless, and only on display in Merrick’s music store because the old man had begged and borrowed it, only to have to return it next month



Chapter 82 

Dressed in a light blue gown, Noella looked like a star under the perfectly adjusted lights of the store. Her dress was shimmering as if sprinkled with stardust. She stood there, and her elegant poise was like a piece of snowflake untouched by the world’s taint

She was breathtaking, and Beckett couldn’t resist whipping out his phone to capture the beauty before his eyes

Without a second thought, he shot that fairylike pic into the family group chat

Ulrich: [Noella looks gorgeous. She’s like a little fairy from our clan.

Stirling: [Does sis fancy that zither, Beckett? Could we convince Master Rainer to sell it to us?

Jasper: [I’ll touch base with Master Rainer right away, see how much he’d let it go for.

Elara: [Noella looks great with those instruments too. Let’s buy them all, heck, just giftwrap the whole store for her. If you guys are short on cash, I’ll foot the bill. You men are a bunch of cheapskates.

The chat was charged like a standoff at high noon

The Schnabel men were all fired up with a burning desire to splurge

Who was a cheapskate? Talk about throwing away cash here

Terrell, the manager of the music store, had pretty much run the show since Merrick rarely intervened and Beckett wasn’t a frequent visitor

So, in his eyes, Noella was nothing more than a clueless heiress

Do these young misses think they know music? She probably doesn’t even know the first thing. about a zither, he mused

Miss, this zither was personally crafted by Rainer. It’s one of a kind, so please be careful.he thus added

Noella looked up, giving Terrell in his sharp suit a nonchalant glance

The instruments here are all precious, and this one before you is the crown jewel. If you damage it, we’d be in hot water with Master Rainer.” 

Beckett shot Terrell a less than friendly look, My sister’s liking is the zither’s luck.” 

Terrell apologized with his lips but couldn’t hide his skepticism

Here comes a clueless heiress who probably doesn’t know what a zither was, yet she still wants to run the shop

What a joke

Noella turned away and settled in front of the zither, casually remarking. If it’s so precious, why hasn’t anyone fixed contrabass strings when they’re damaged?” 

Terrell was sweating bullets, Well, it’s Master Rainer’s creation, and we wouldn’t dare” 



The contrabass strings are important. If you are not fixing them, that’s fine. But why didn’t your clean its whole soundboard as well?” 

Noella knew Master Rainer. The old guy wouldn’t bother if it wasn’t perfect. He used the best. materials. And she’d handcarved the soundboard’s pattern for him

Master Rainer would be livid if he knew how you were treating his zither.As she spoke, Noella effortlessly opened a toolbox on the floor and began meticulously restoring the zither. She was carefully maintaining the strings to ensure the old man’s hard work wasn’t wasted

Beckett’s icy gaze fell upon Terrell, Terrell, I believe you owe me an explanation.” 

Well Mr. Schnabel, we really didn’t dare touch this instrument and since Master Rainer’s zithers are said to be unplayable by anyone. We never play it, so we never noticed this.” 

Before Terrell could even finish his sentence, the melodious sound of a zither began to echo through the store

The notes twinkled like fireflies, and the girl playing the piano had fingertips that were pink and lustrous, with nails that were just the right length and sported a soft pink hue. The music flowed in waves, as soothing and refreshing as a cool breeze under a bright moon, which made everyone around hold their breath

Beckett was so pumped he didn’t forget to record the moment

When the performance ended, Noella casually tuned the zither before getting up, A zither is made to be played. What’s the point of having it otherwise? If I catch you guys slacking off and not maintaining the zither again, you can forget about working here.” 

The staff in


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