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The Killer Queen ( Noella Briony ) novel Chapter 93

Chapter 93 

These comics were Marcel’s pride and joy! He had to twist Major Garnett’s arm to finally snag them, and now he was hooked right in the thick of the juicy bits

Marcel had spent a lifetime in uniform, always the picture of stonefaced seriousness, but for these comics, he was practically on his knees, clinging to his granddaughter’s arm, begging

The moment Calvin heard that Noella was the one dishing out the prescriptions, he zipped his lip, grabbed the meds his granddaughter handed him, and was out like a light all afternoon

Now, he just swung by to scribble a signature on the prescriptions that Noella whipped up, just going through the motions

Officially, Calvin was still the head honcho doc, but let’s be real, the power to spring Marcel from the hospital lay in the hands of his darling granddaughter

Noella, can’t you leave just one for Grandpa? I’m at the good part, about to hit the motherlode of the plot!” 

Seeing Marcel get the same treatment, Sexton was having a field day, grinning from ear to ear. What’s so great about those ratty comics anyway? You’ve been through a stack of them and still no clue who’s kiddo that is.” 

Sexton had flipped through some of Marcel’s comics himself

But the next issue is gonna spill the beans, right? Just leave me one!” 

Noella picked up a comic, thumbing through it nonchalantly

Why’s it in Gerastor?” 

Marcel chuckled. The comic’s called Tandy, a Gerastor artist. I learned Gerastor just for this! Memorizing words at my age, talk about a slog!” 

His nightstand was still piled high with dictionaries


Never heard of this comic artist

Noella flipped through the comic in hand. It was a stunner, bold colors, a style one wouldn’t see much from local artists

With a slight frown, Noella studied the last panel. It showed a heartshaped orphanage next to a hospital with four bold letters on top

Tandy Hospital

Why on earth was Marcel’s comic tied up with Tandy Hospital

Without a peep, Noella pocketed the comic, facing Marcel’s puppydog eyes. Grandpa, I’ll hold onto these for now. You’ll get them back once you’re out.” 



Chapter 93 

Marcel’s face fell. He flopped back onto the bed, hamming up every ache in his body

Ouch! I feel awfulis this the end for me? Noella, if I kick the bucket, promise you’ll spill the beans on the rest of the comic.” 

Noella was at a loss for words. Where was that dignified, commanding Grandpa? Turned hustler over a few comics

If word got out, jaws would hit the floor

Resigned, Noella handed back one issue. If I find out you’ve been up all night reading. I’m taking this one too.” 

Deal!Marcel sprung to life, clutching the comic from Noella’s hand, darting back to his room. fearing the last issue might get swiped

Halfway out the door, he remembered something else, rushed back, and snapped a bunch of selfies with his precious granddaughter

Heh, let’s see that old coot Merrick show off now. Who’s got no photo now?” 

After a victory lap on his socials, Marcel trotted off, comic in hand

Noella watched his retreat, a mix of exasperation and amusement. Guess the old man still had some pep in his step

Sexton snorted at Marcel’s antics. Noella, your grandpa’s got a screw loose. After you tie the knot with Palmer, you’ll bunk with me, got it? In case his bad habits spoil my greatgrandkid.” 


Noella and Palmer hadn’t even sealed the deal, and Sexton was already counting chickens. Seeing the old man’s bubble of bliss, Noella couldn’t bring herself to burst it

Grandpa Sexton, I’ll drop by tomorrow.” 

Don’t wear yourself out, kiddo.Sexton clasped Noella’s hand, snuck a small box from under the bed, and slipped it into her hand while Palmer was distracted

When Palmer looked over, Sexton was back to whispering sweet nothings, playing it cool

Noella, you’re busting your butt for my meds, and I’ve lived a good long life. A pill more or less won’t kill me. Don’t overdo it, promise me.” 

He patted Noella’s hand, nudged the little box into her sleeve, and winked mischievously

I’m good, Grandpa Sexton. You rest up. I’m heading out.” 

Hey, Palmer! Walk Noella out. And you, scram! You’re cramping my style. Scat!Sexton had zero patience for his own grandson, shooing him out with a mutter. Useless kid, standing around like furniture. Stick with Noella, foot the bill when she shops, be her chauffeur, and wait on her hand and foot. Got no clue how to charm a lady. Your dad ain’t no fool. How’d he end up with you” 



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