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The Legal Wife's Return novel Chapter 2

The mid-afternoon sun was very pleasant and warm as the spring was about to arrive. But I was feeling very hot and uneasy for the entire morning. And I decided that the workload was catching up with me because of which I was getting panic attacks and my body was overreacting.

I was walking down the stairs as I had very little time for my lunch I had to get back to work and finish up the news which was supposed to be printed in the next day’s paper. And the reason why I had come out to have lunch was that I was annoyed with the piled-up work on my desk and I direly needed some fresh air.

I ordered some white pasta and wine to go with it. I usually never had wine during the working hours but the work pressure was killing my head and I had to relax or I would go mad.

I looked around the café while I waited for my order. Macy’s was always crowded as it was in the Centre of the town and the food was very good they served all kinds of cuisines. I looked around and observed the families who were enjoying their meal and somehow my eyes were wet with tears. But when a drop of tear landed on my cheeks, I became alert and quickly wiped my eyes wondering what had gone into me and why was I being so emotional? It’s been a long time since a scene like that affected me. I felt like pinching myself

Just then my food arrived and I gave a sigh of relief after thanking the waiter I started eating my food slowly, while I sipped the wine along with it. I was enjoying my food when my phone started ringing.

I looked at the caller and when I saw that it was Don, I smiled and picked up the call.

“Hey, what’s up?” I said softly as I gulped my food.

“Hey Carmen, where are you?” Don asked me from the other end.

“I was just enjoying my quick lunch at Macy’s. You never call me at this hour. Is everything alright?” I said with concern because for the past five years since I have known him he would never call me during office hours. Although we work for the same company we work in a different department and we hardly meet.

“No, no nothing’s wrong I was just calling you to ask if you could come to my house for dinner today?” Don asked me hesitantly.

I was shocked because the Don I know would never ask me out on weekdays as he was a workaholic. I came out of my shock after a few seconds and asked. “But Don it's Wednesday and we have so much work pending I don’t think I will be able to make it,” I told him truthfully not that I did not want to go for dinner.

“It’s alright, don’t worry I have talked to the boss, he said he will let you go off early and so you see there is nothing to worry about the pending work as James is ready to help. Now I am going to hang up. I will meet you at home.” And without waiting for my response he hung up. I looked at my phone and shook my head. Why is Don behaving so mysteriously?

Anyways I had to get back to the office so I ate my lunch hurriedly and after paying the bill I rushed towards my office.

As the elevator door opened and I walked towards my office I was shocked to find James Cameron standing outside my office and grinning at me.

I rolled my eyes and walked towards him.

“Don’t you have work of your own? Are you so free that you came down from your department to help me?”

James looked at me angrily and said. “Listen, you little witch I have better works to do than help an ungrateful woman like you but what can I do when my boss has sent me to help you.” After saying that he went and sat on the chair.

I laughed as I had never seen James so angry before. He usually was a messenger in between me and Don whenever Don had to send something for me he would send it through James his convenient secretary but today was the first time he had sent him to help me.

“Hey, It’s okay you know, I can manage, you don’t have to go through this ordeal. You can take a break and go and enjoy the sun or go home.” I added generously.

Chapter 2 1

Chapter 2 2

Chapter 2 3


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