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The Legal Wife's Return novel Chapter 3

So after the unexpected proposal, I had collapsed on the sofa as I never expected Don would propose. I was happy but in the deep corners of my heart, I knew I was not ready but it has been a while since I started dating him so it was as expected and Don wanted to take things to the next level and I knew he was being sincere.

After we had a long talk I agreed and decided we will give some more time and think about how it works before we decide on a marriage date but first I had to be sure of my feelings.-

And after the dinner

When I returned home tossed and turned and thought a lot about my future and knew that I have to move on and so I decided to take the next step as it was very important before I let go of my past life altogether.

I looked out of the car window, trying to recognize any familiar landmarks. We were not too far away from London now; another twenty minutes and I would be there. Don had not wanted me to come, of course, but the lawyer had insisted that I come to London, so I had finally agreed.

I smiled warmly as I thought about Don Blair. He was everything that a girl would want-kind and gentle, with laughing eyes and a wonderful sense of humor. I had met him as soon as I had gone as a secretary to Gazette Editorial where he was the head of the editorial department. He had been a great help to me in the early stages of my work and at the same time had plainly shown that he was interested in me.

I discouraged him at first, not wishing to become involved again after my disastrous marriage. But the warmth of his personality had won me over and now here I am asking Marc Garcia for a divorce so that I could marry Don.

It should be an ideal marriage. I thought happily. We have known each other for almost six years and we are both mature enough to know what we wanted. Our interest was similar and most important of all Don was very fond of my son Tio, a feeling that Tio reciprocated. I thought thankfully. There was not the same magic when I was in his arms but well perhaps that was a good thing it was that special magic that had caused many of the problems in my first marriage. We will probably have another chance of success without it. I thought sadly.

But immediately when I thought about him, I had hatred in my eyes.

The car jerked to stop with the squeal of brakes, and I glanced at my watch. I was early so I would have plenty of time to get to the lawyer's office. So Perhaps, I could have a quick look at some of the dress shops in Regent Street. I looked down ruefully at my dark linen trouser suit, it had most certainly been better days but there was little money to spare from my wardrobe. Tio was growing at such a rate that I had to be careful of my finances.

I was quite aware that today I was looking particularly beautiful my thick blonde hair is drawn into a knot on top of my head and all through the suit I was wearing was out of season it emphasized my light golden tan and well-shaped figure beautifully.

I left the car at the main parking and told the driver to wait there, while I finish my work. My boss had allowed me to use the company’s car as I was traveling alone. After walking through the barrier I went into the temporally deserted restroom. I looked at myself critically at the reflection in the mirror. I would have to do it, but I did not exactly look like an estranged wife of a member of Italy’s wealthiest family. Well, I would not be for long as there was no need to feel nervous about my coming here to the lawyer to make the final settlement of the divorce. I mentally tried to make myself strong and left the restroom heading towards the fashion shops and an hour’s window shopping.

At one-thirty I arrived outside the lawyer’s office wondering for at least the tenth time why he had specifically asked me to see him, why everything could not have been sorted out by them and my own lawyer. Oh well, I was going to find out now wasn't I?

Taking a deep breath to steady my nerves I pushed open the glass door and walked with more confidence than I was feeling over the reception. I had barely time to sit in the seat to which I was shown before I was being urged into a large and luxurious appointed office.

“Good afternoon, Mrs. Garcia! May I introduce myself? I am Vincent Wilding.” The tall grey head man smiled coolly at me and after shaking hands said: “Please let me introduce my friend who has flown down from Milan.

Chapter 3 1

Chapter 3 2


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