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The Legendary Mage novel Chapter 343

The Commander had vanished! All the Guardians of the Elder and the Protégés had been slain!

With the Commander's injuries, escape would have been impossible. And with Elder Codin's strength, it was inconceivable that he would be killed without a struggle.

Therefore... Hamund must have been here!

Tobin's smile remained, but his eyes were as cold as a winter's blade, ready to strike. "Grand Elder, I must ask you, who exactly is this Hamund? And what is his relation to the Commander?"

"He should be neutral. He does not take sides." The Grand Elder examined the bodies. The cuts were clean, all beheadings. It indicated that the slayer, Hamund, acted in anger and with decisive fury.

"Neutral? A so-called neutral man suddenly barges in and rescues the Commander." Tobin's emotions were restrained, but his gaze grew ever colder, a chilling promise of retribution.

"He should not have interfered," the Grand Elder said, his expression turning grim. Even if Hamund had appeared, Elder Codin should have been able to stop him. The Grand Elder had great faith in Elder Codin's abilities, which is why he was left to guard the sanctum. But why did it happen thus? Could it be that Hamund had already pledged allegiance to the Commander?

"Grand Elder, you do not appear as wise as I had thought," Lord Viperbane said, his tone no longer friendly. According to the Grand Elder's earlier assurance, they only needed to control the Commander and the Botanic Haven Elder to ensure absolute security. The others should not have been a concern, but Hamund clearly wasn't as simple as they had thought.

"Before we set out for Botanic Haven, I warned you that he could be an unpredictable factor," the Grand Elder defended himself.

"You merely mentioned a potential threat!" Lord Viperbane suppressed his rage and even cast a sharp glance at Neasilis, whose briefing had also failed to mention any risk posed by Hamund.

Neasilis instinctively bowed, his voice low in explanation, "My lord, Hamund has been very discreet for years, scarcely interacting with the Commander or the other Elders. He's the kind who remains aloof from worldly affairs. By all accounts... he shouldn't have acted this way..."

Lord Viperbane raised a hand to cut him off, no longer interested in explanations. His piercing eyes fixed on the Grand Elder. "You are well aware of the consequences should this leak. Mobilize all your trusted forces immediately, and find them before they escape the Cloudveil Woods."

The Grand Elder knew further debate was futile. Since Hamund had sided with the Commander, then he had chosen his fate. "The Cloudveil Woods span thousands of leagues. He won't escape! Not a single one will escape!"

"The Cloudveil Woods are Cobalt Strike's domain. You know the terrain well. You will lead, and we will follow," said Lord Viperbane.


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