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The Legendary Mage novel Chapter 344

Hamund, an outsider, burdened with the barely alive Commander, could not move quickly and was likely to betray his presence.

At that very moment, Mariela was dashing through the deep, damp woods, struggling to accept the sudden calamity and unclear who had attacked her mentor.

Her mentor's words had been clear. It was the Kings' Acceptance that had been exposed. Someone was after Alavin's legacy!

But who besides the Commander would know? Could it be that the Commander wanted to slay the Elder of Botanic Haven? Impossible.

Who could it be? Who could it be?

Who could breach the defenses of Cobalt Strike, who could silently surround the Botanic Haven?

Mariela had never imagined danger could come to Cobalt Strike, where she had grown up. In her heart, the mighty Cobalt Strike was like a towering titan, standing sentinel over the boundless Cloudveil Woods, deterring the vast Northlands. To threaten it, to breach its walls, would not be easy for anyone.

What on earth has happened?

Dusk approached, and shadows began to spread through the depths of the forest, the day turning to night. Many nocturnal beasts left their dens, their cries echoing loudly. Mariela gripped her sword tightly, and her gaze was sharp. Disregarding the dangers of the night, she raced at full speed.

Alavin had left this morning; he couldn't have gone far.

Find him! Don't stop! Mariela urged herself on in her mind.

"Sister Mariela, where are you hurrying to?" a mocking voice suddenly came from the front left.

"Heh heh, found you," another voice called from behind, growing louder as it neared swiftly.

Mariela's eyes narrowed, and she leaped back just in time as two sword energies, one after the other, whooshed down, slashing through tangled branches and splitting the damp air, thundering into the ground where she had just stood. The old roots of the ground shattered, leaving two deep, long trenches.

Two sword-wielding men dashed and dodged, blocking Mariela's path front and back.

"You are Protégés of Cobalt Strike!" Mariela’s face was frosty as she recognized them. They were Elite Protégés of the Grand Elder, already famed and had even participated in The Clash of Eight Orders.

"You actually recognize us."

"Your concern for us has us feeling a bit... restless."

The two men smirked, eyeing Mariela's tall figure without any discretion.


"What do you think? Take a guess?"


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