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The Luna's Second Chance Mate novel Chapter 7


I kept struggling even after they aggressively threw me inside and locked the door, kicking and scratching at everything in sight. I banged desperately on the windows screaming but the guards outside were undisturbed, they were talking to each other outside like I wasn't even there.

I tried with all my power to fight it, to not think about it, but inevitably it was dawning on me; Stefan had publicly divorced me, rejected me as his mate and painted me to be a shameless whore in the presence of the entire pack. The shame this would bring to my family name would be tremendous.

I sat in painful silence as the guards drove to the brothel. Some of the pack followed behind, some were just curious to see what would become of me but most of the rest followed to rain more abuses on me.

The brothel was a shady looking building in the south side of the park. It looked abandoned but I knew better. There was a shabby little house beside it with "SEXY AUCTIONS" inscribed boldly in front of it.

They men dragged me to the auction house, handed me to the patron, whispered some inaudible words to her and left.

The patron was a tall bulky lady. Probably in her late forties. She had a bitter expression on her face like she just had a mouthful of sour lemons.

There were about five more women there as well. The only difference being that this was actually their profession whereas I was here as a punishment.

The patron glared at me with piercing black eyes. The cigarette in her lips made her look even more fierce. "Your majesty." She said, bowing mockingly.

I glanced at her but said nothing.

She ignored my silence and continued, "The cheating luna. That's what they are calling you now ain't it?" She said, eyeing me in disgust. "Look, I know we all have urges, believe me I do. But what the fuck? You had the guts to cheat on the alpha? Your king? I mean, what more could you possibly want from him? He made you a queen for fuck's sake! If I had him for a husband, I'd fuck him every single night just to say thank you, and in every way he wants as well."

She giggled at her words, revealing her teeth yellowed from tobacco smoking.

I just stood there, keeping my mouth shut. I knew this was just a plan to get me into exchanging words with her but I wasn't about to fall for it.

She stared at me again, more intensely this time. The annoyance in her face couldn't be mistaken now. She walked up to me till we were face to face. She was about a foot taller than me but I still looked her straight in the eyes.

She spat out tobacco to the floor and some splashed on my shoes. Then she said in a cold voice,

"You might have been Queen Larissa some hours ago to everyone but right now you're just a whore who's gonna get auctioned for a sweaty fuck. And over here I'm the boss, so when I talk to you, you reply. Do you understand?"

"Yes." I said with tight lips.

"Good." She said and circled around me, checking me out.

Then all of a sudden she stopped and looked at the other five people in the room who had been watching in complete silence.

"What the fuck you staring at? The whole pack will be here any minute to watch this auction and none of you've picked numbers yet? Will you fucking get to work!" She yelled and all of them went into a frenzy, the room was empty in less than ten seconds.

Mate 1

Mate 2


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