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The Luna's Second Chance Mate novel Chapter 8

Jill grabbed my clothes on the floor and smiled, "Now you've got two choices; either you go wearing that, or just go in your lingerie. But you ain't wearing this again today." She said holding up the clothes she had in her hand.

I glared at both of them as anger and pain boiled inside me. But I knew I didn't stand a chance against one of them let alone two.

"Go to the lobby, you'll get your number then wait with the others till you're called." Desmond said.

I wanted to scream a big, loud 'No' but I just sighed and obeyed. There was just no fight left in me. Though it pained me to think this way, my fate had already been decided and no matter how hard I tried to fight it, the result would be inevitable.

A paper card with number fifty five printed on it was given to me when I got to the lobby. I took it wordlessly, ignoring the stares and rude remarks from the people around me. I was so tired.

There was a group of women in the waiting room. Some were fully made-up, some wore little or no clothing, waiting for their numbers to be called so men could bid for them. They were so busy talking, applying makeup, adjusting their dresses or smoking to notice me. I found a free seat and stayed there.

Occasionally, a number would be called from a speaker outside and someone in the waiting room would go outside and be greeted with cheers from the men.

I watched in dread as the number of the people in the room kept reducing as more and more women were being sold.

"It's okay to be a bit terrified."

I turned to see who spoke and was surprised to see a teenage girl not older than seventeen looking back at me.

"I know how you feel. You'll be okay. I felt the same way the first time. This is your first time here right? Because I'm not sure I've seen you before and I never forget a face, you know. I'm Trixie but Trix is fine." She smiled lightly. She had big brown eyes and a happy face.

I just stared in surprise. I had almost forgotten what it felt like to be spoken to without being insulted or assaulted.

"This is the part when you say your name." She said.

"Oh. I'm Larissa." I said, feeling a bit silly.

"Hot name. So as I was saying, there's no need to be scared. Some of the men aren't so bad, all you have to do is just do as they say and you'll be alright." She said, placing her hand on mine and squeezing lightly.

There was so much I wanted to say, to ask her but I just held her hand as a tear dropped from my eyes.

Charlotte saw this and opened her mouth to say something but was immediately silenced when her number sounded in the speakers.

"That's me." She said, standing up. "It was nice meeting you!" She smiled then bolted to the door and cat-walked outside. This was greeted with cheers and whistles.

I walked to the windows and peeked outside. The first person I saw was Katya. Though she couldn't see me, she still had that dirty smirk on her lips like she was really enjoying herself. My parents weren't there but Richard, my elder brother was and so were a lot more people.

A tall woman walked up to the podium where the announcer stood and whispered something to him. He nodded and tapped on the microphone.

"Ladies and gentlemen, now for the moment you've all been waiting for. It's time to call up royal number fifty five!"

The crowd went wild at those words and my stomach did a flip but I stood up regardless of that. I was determined not to be dragged out again.

All the noise died down immediately I stepped outside.

"Now for a night with our very hot… formal Luna do I hear two hundred dollars?" The auctioneer started.

"Three hundred dollars!" Someone in the crowd chanted.

"Three hundred going once, twice…"

"Four hundred!"

"Six hundred." Someone called and everyone gasped.

Second chance 1

Second chance 2


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