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The Lycan King's Breeder novel Chapter 5

Chapter 6: Avalyn's POV

The next morning, I was up before any of my parents did. I wanted to make up for the trouble I caused them the previous day. It was my father's birthday and I really didn't want to make them angry on a day like that.

But it happened and there was nothing I could do except take the beating and clean myself up afterward.

This morning, I planned to right the wrongs I made yesterday. I walked to the kitchen and started the coffee pot.

Father always loved his coffee black first thing in the morning. My stepmother preferred her caramel.

As the water started boiling, I scrubbed and cleaned all the pots and pans, I used the previous day. I couldn't remember when they ate but I found enough dishes on the sink to show that they did have some sort of feast without me.

When I finished, I took a tray and placed two coffee mugs on it. I poured out the beverage into the mugs and stirred it to their specification. Satisfied with the way it looked, I took it up the stairs to my parents.

I was about to know at the door when I heard my stepmother's voice.

"She is of no use to us dead or alive, George. Let's take her to the chief. I am sure the werewolves would have a purpose for her," she said and I froze.

She wanted my father to take me to the werewolves. No, that couldn't be possible.

I thought shaking my head. She had made that threat too many times before, I was sure this was also just one of those moments when she got tired of me.

I took a deep breath and knocked softly on the door.

"Who is there!?" Her sharp voice rang out causing me to shake.

"Urm... I brought breakfast—" my voice got swallowed by the sound of the doorbell downstairs.

The door to my parents' bedroom suddenly opened and my father hurried out.

"Who could be that this early in the morning?" He whispered harshly as he made his way down.

My stepmother followed after him. "I hope your daughter didn't do something stupid again!" She hissed.

I stood there with the tray in my hands like a fool. I didn't know if I should drop it in their room, or just go down after them. After a moment of contemplating, I moved to the railing and watched from there.

My father pulled the door open right after the bell went off again.

There was a tall man with eyes so grey I didn't think humans could possess such an eye color. They almost looked white.

He was standing with two females, dressed like warriors. They couldn't have been his guard because he looked like he could protect himself just fine.

Only a fool would find them on the road and decide to attack. They were so menacing a single slap from any one of them had to be a fatal blow.

"I presume you are George?" The towering figure of a man said.

My father went pale ad he stared on like he was looking at a ghost. My stepmother quickly nudged him on the side to snap him out of his trance.

"Y—yes, I am," He stuttered, trying to comport himself better.

"He is George Howard, sir," My stepmother chirped in from behind my father with a smile so large even a cat could tell it was fake.

The towering man turned his attention to her and I watched as she cowered into my father.

"I didn't ask for your opinion woman. Hold your tongue or lose it!" He growled.

It wasn't a deep growl but I felt it deep within my stomach. At this point, I realized I made the right decision staying up here.

"Now, George, I have a proposal for your daughter. The king wants her. How much do you need?"

At first, my brain let it pass like I wasn't just the one the man had mentioned. Then it struck me.

He did mention me.

My eyes expanded and I felt my lungs freeze. My hands began to tremble and I knew that if I didn't drop the tray of coffee, it was going to break.

Slowly, I lowered it to the ground and sat there watching them.

Their king wanted me? Why? Did I do something wrong?

My father could reject this right? I know we didn't have the best relationship but he wouldn't accept this would he?


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