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The Lycan King's Breeder novel Chapter 9

Chapter 10: Avalyn's POV

The cars parked in the large driveway of the castle. The first thing I saw as I looked out the window was a tall man carrying another who had blood dripping out of his eyes. The angle at which the head leaned to told me that the man was long dead.

My stomach churned and I felt like gagging.

I was right when I thought this place was my tomb. It was indeed going to be my beautiful tomb.

"We are here!" Dawn chipped.

She was excited but I couldn't bring myself to even plaster a fake smile on my face. There was death awaiting me out there and she expected me to be excited about it?

I wanted to stay in that car forever. It was the only thing keeping me from the cruel hands of death. From the look of things, I knew that my death wasn't going to be a pleasant and calm one. It was going to be gruesome.

The towering man stepped out first and tapped on Dawn's side of the window. She rolled it down and turned her head to him.

"Take her to Sara, I need to see the alpha now," He said. She nodded curtly and he turned to leave.

Who was Sara? Would she be the one to kill me? Did they sell me to her now?

Multiple questions zoomed past my head as I tried to control my rattling chest. I was at the murder house and the seconds were ticking for my time to come.

"You heard the beta, let's go," She said to the driver.

She was in a very light mood. I couldn't tell if it was her nature to be this way or if she was just excited that I was going to be killed.

Did werewolves use human skin to make things?

Perhaps she was promised a designer bag made with my skin... Oh, God. Thoughts stormed through my head and I didn't know what to do anymore.

I was so scared my hands trembled as I tried to keep them from clattering.

The vehicle spurted to life again and it moved out of the driveway but we didn't leave the castle grounds, he just swerved to another driveway which was at the back. We rolled for a few minutes before we came to a stop at a beautiful bungalow that was painted white with blue architectural columns.

"Thank you," She said to the driver, and my horror the doors clicked open.

No, I didn't want to die!

My brain started panicking and I almost wet myself as she stepped out and walked around the vehicle to my side.

Tears brimmed in my eyes and my heart broke all over again. This was it. This was how I died.

But if I was going to die, I didn't want to be remembered as the human that cried till death took her away. My stepmother and father had thought me well. They had prepared my body to handle pain no matter what.

Like some twisted faith, they had prepared me for this moment without even realizing it.

I swallowed my fears and sniffled them away. I would be brave —I sang in my head like a mantra.

As she opened the door and joined her. She gave me her hand and I hesitated before taking it either way.

She led me into the clean building and I wondered if this was where they washed up their victim for a brighter killing.

The large doors opened to a reception. There was a lady, dressed like a nurse at the desk and as we walked up to her she beamed with smiles.

"Dawn!" She exclaimed. "Sara wants your head! When was the last time you came for a check-up?" She asked.

Okay, maybe this was a hospital. The trouble in my heart reduced but just as it did another idea flashed into my head and I let out a soft gasp —they were going to harvest my organs!

"Who is she?" The lady at the desk asked Dawn as she now noticed my presence. "Hello!" She said beaming at me.

"Oh, she is a guest of the king. I brought her here to see Sara. She needs to fix her up at once," Dawn explained.

My brows corked and I wondered what they spoke of. They couldn't have been talking about me, because I didn't need fixing, I was fine.

"Then you should get going right away!" She said straightening up at the mention of their king.

Dawn nodded and pulled me toward another set of doors at the far end of the hall. We stepped in and it opened into a corridor. We walked to the very end and Dawn knocked on the door once before pushing the door open.

An elegant middle-aged woman sat at her desk working on some papers. There was a small Pai of glasses on her nose and as soon as the door opened she looked up to us with a clear air of confusion on her face.

Then she slowly brightened up as she recognized Dawn. She got off her chair and started coming to join us at the door.

"Hello, I am Sara. Did the beta send her to me?" She asked as she came to stand before. The first part of her statement was to me but the second was to Dawn.

Twisted faith 1


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