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The Lycan King's Fate Calling novel Chapter 1022

Crystal's POV:

I was seething with anger, but I still managed to hold back the impulse to punch Rufus in the face. After all, the man standing in front of me was the most powerful one in the empire. I couldn't afford to offend him. Besides, there were also many guards present.

I locked eyes with him and accused, "You're the one who restricted me from leaving, aren't you? Why? The festivities are coming to an end. You have no reason to detain me."

Rufus sneered and threw some questions right back at me. "Why are you leaving in such a hurry? Why did you go to such lengths to kidnap Beryl and escape in the middle of the night?"

"It wasn't kidnapping anyone! Beryl is my daughter! Moreover, everyone's preparing to leave the capital. What's so strange about trying to go back home to my pack?" I jutted my chin out at him confidently. I couldn't afford to show any fear at this point. This guy was good at making uses of loopholes. The second he found a crack in my reasoning, he'd definitely attack until I crumbled.

Rufus raised his eyebrows after hearing what I said. He didn't seem to care much for my explanation, nor did he seem concerned about how I felt at the moment.

Suddenly, He ordered his men to go out. Then he called two female officers in to take Arron and Beryl away.

I stood in front of the driver who was holding Beryl and shouted at Rufus in fear and anger, "What're you trying to do?"

Sensing the danger of the situation, Arron also hid behind me and stared at the two female officers warily.

"I want to talk to you alone. There are some things that aren't suitable for kids to listen to, unless you're actually okay with it." Rufus shot me a cold glance before turning around to sit on the sofa. He tapped his fingers on the armrest, waiting for my decision.

I bit my lips hesitantly, at a loss as to what to do. If Rufus really needed to talk to me, it was indeed inappropriate for the two kids to stay. If I couldn't control myself and fought tooth and nail with Rufus, it would really scare the kids.


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