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The Lycan King's Fate Calling novel Chapter 1023

Crystal's POV:

I was shocked. I didn't expect that Rufus would even find out about Warren's involvement.

Just how much did Rufus know? Did he find out everything about me? No! It was impossible! Laura had already erased any information pertaining to my identity years ago. Rufus couldn't have found any clues!

"Why so quiet all of a sudden? Weren't you so confident just now?" Rufus sneered, an evil smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

I was so flustered that I couldn't think of a good excuse to explain myself.

No! If I kept silent, I'd look guilty! Then not only would I be in trouble, but so would Warren!

I swallowed all my messy emotions and said calmly, "This has nothing to do with Warren. I was the one who planned our leave. And I have the freedom to choose how and when to leave. It has nothing to do with you."

Rufus' expression darkened and his tone turned aggressive. "I didn't expect you to have a relationship with Warren. As far as I know, before you came to the imperial capital, you and Warren were never in contact except when it came to matters of the pack. Even before that, he didn't even know whether the Alpha of the border pack was a man or a woman!"

A cold sweat broke out on my back, but I couldn't crumble now. "I'm Leonard's distant relative and used to be a member of the Sliver Moon Pack. Of course Warren and I know each other! Why did Warren not know that I was the Alpha of the border pack you might ask? Because I left the Sliver Moon Pack and lost touch with its members for a long time. It's normal that Warren didn't know anything about me after I took off."

Although I gave Rufus a reasonable explanation, I knew that it wasn't enough to dispel his doubts.

But this was the best way I could keep him at bay. I could only keep arguing with him to ease his suspicions about Warren first.

"Warren just found out that I had become Alpha of the border pack when we ran into each other here in the capital. And I was the one who asked him for a car. He didn't want to help me, but for Leonard's sake, he gave in."


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