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The Lycan King's Fate Calling novel Chapter 437

Sylvia's POV:

The boy yelped in pain, but he did not give in. He struggled madly to pull away.

But I gripped his hair tightly and followed him into the hole in the wall. The others also followed suit.

When we all made it on the other side, the five of us easily subdued the boy.

The boy only came up to my shoulders. He gnashed his teeth and looked at me defiantly, like a wild cat. He was very fierce. "What do you want?"

"We should be asking you the same question! What do you want, kid?" Flora demanded with her hands planted firmly on her hips. She almost looked imposing.

The boy pursed his lips stubbornly, refusing to answer her question.

After thinking for a while, I loosened my grip on his clothes. "Don't worry. We don't work for Geoffrey. We're not here for you."

The boy stared at me with his bright eyes, as if he was considering whether to take my word for it or not.

"If we were really Geoffrey's men, do you really think you'd be standing here safe and sound?" I pointed out softly, trying to relax his vigilance.

The boy hesitated and seemed to want to say something but stopped on a second thought.

At this time, we heard the patrolling guards from the other side of the wall. Flustered, the boy looked at us helplessly. "Can you at least block the wall hole first? If the patrols finds out, I'm dead meat."

"On it." Harry strode to the wall and started picking up the bricks on the ground.

Flora and I also squatted down to help. Very soon, the wall was restored to its original condition.

The boy breathed a sigh of relief. He looked around and finally relaxed his vigilance.


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