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The Lycan King's Fate Calling novel Chapter 438

Sylvia's POV:

"We want to find out what's going on in this city." I looked at the boy and answered his question seriously.

The boy smiled at me bitterly. "It's just like what you see: it's a city of two extreme worlds divided by a wall."

The five of us exchanged wordless glances and waited for the boy to go on.

"By the way, the name's Felix. I've lived outside the wall since I was born. I've always known about the world on the other side of the wall. Everyone there is rich and happy, so they don't need to kill and plunder to survive. Every child there receives a good education and lives a good life."

As Felix spoke, his eyes took on a different light. He looked almost as though he was yearning for what he talked about.

My heart inexplicably ached and I felt at a loss. I had felt the same yearning Felix felt when I was still a slave, so I understood where he was coming from.

Felix looked at his dirty hands and said in a depressed tone, "I also want to be clean every day and not have to worry about my next meal." Flora was a little angry. She puffed out her chest indignantly and asked, "Was it Geoffrey who built this wall?"

"I guess so. The wall has been there for as long as I can remember," Felix said in a low voice. "Maybe this is the way Geoffrey runs things."

"And does everyone accept his system? Why don't the werewolves outside the wall rebel?" Frowning slightly, Warren looked very confused. Perhaps what we had seen today had exceeded his cognition.

Truth be told, it was also beyond all of us.

Felix's emaciated face stared back at us, his eyes filled with sadness and a trace of maturity for a boy his age. "It's not that simple. Everyone's fate has been decided since they were born. We weren't given a choice regarding resources and education. The wall widened not only the gap between the rich and the poor, but also the gap in strength. Werewolves outside the wall were born at a disadvantage, while the rich kids on the other side hold all the power."

"Then why don't you just leave? I'm sure even a smaller pack could offer a better life than this." Harry gestured at his surroundings in disbelief.

Felix shook his head. "We can't leave."



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