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The Lycan Slave Mate novel Chapter 10

I found myself bursting into a loud cry, and the moment my mouth opened a bit, the fluid found its way in, and that instantly set my belly on fire. It was so extreme that my skin began to bleed.

"Open that box and bring her out. It is already past an hour! She hasn't shown any signs of being a demon! Why is she still left in there?." Stan's voice echoed inside my ears, and it made my heart burn in rage.

So it had passed one hour, yet those cruel souls still left me here. How much more wicked can they be?

After a few minutes after Stan's words, the box opened and I was pulled out, feeling sore all over my body. My entire skin was hurting me like hell, so I had to gnash my teeth to avoid crying like a baby in front of them all.

I really have to be strong before they push me to my death.

My blood from the bleeding part of my skin was mixed with the liquid as they both drenched my body from head to toe. It was like I was injured in almost every one of me, both internal and external.

There was absolute silence for a minute as everyone fixed their eyes on me. It seemed they were all surprised and disappointed that I was a normal wolf like them.

Or maybe they expected me to die in there.

"Take her away for first aid to hasten her healing and stop the bleeding." My father ordered with a heavy breath, like he was finding it hard to talk.

I raised my head for the first time, and my father quickly looked away, avoiding my eyes. He seemed to feel sorry about what he had just done to me, but was good at hiding it with his grim expression.

My eyes roamed around my environment, and even as my vision was blurred, I could still recognize the disdainful looks on the face of everyone staring at me.

I saw Aurora standing at the back of the throne, massaging my father's shoulders and smirking at me, and just immediately, the vision I had just had inside that confinement flashed back into my head.

I carefully examined her hair, body size, and shape, comparing it to the woman who murdered my mother, and there was no doubt that they were identical.

There was no single difference. Does this explain why she has been cruel to me? Was there something my mother did to her in the past? My mother's death in labor is strange because I have no power to kill. Was that vision trying to tell me that Aurora killed my mother?

As my eyes met with Aurora's wicked eyes, I felt pure rage building up inside me. That usual fear was gone and replaced with a kind of courage that I can't explain. I felt an urge to confront her, and seeing as she was massaging my father's shoulder, I found myself breathing roughly as my entire being craved to kill her.

Even Stan was looking at me in surprise when I glanced at him. He seemed not to recognize the new me as he kept staring at me like I had grown wings.

"Why are you guards still wasting time? Take this filthy thing out of my sight!" The Beta's daughter snarled from her chair, leaving me stunned as I stole a glance at the young girl who had begun to abhor me so much even when we had just met today.

Although it was normal for someone to hate me at first sight, there seemed to be something different about her attitude towards me.

There was no strength for me to say anything as I was drowning in immense pain, but I knew something had changed about me.

Three guards took my hands reluctantly as they aided me out of the palace with hatred in their eyes. No one liked coming near to me, and touching me was like a punishment to them.

I couldn't help the irritation that began to build up in me seeing the grimace on the guard's faces while helping me walk through the hallway by holding my arms side by side.

Chapter 10 1

Chapter 10 2


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