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The Lycan Slave Mate novel Chapter 8

Nana's POV

We were finally done with our stay in the Lycans Oman Kingdom, and I also followed the Alpha to his Royal Packhouse.

I don't know why I suddenly longed to see the so-called Ava being tortured severely. I don't know if it was because the Lycan prince asked about her with such enthusiasm in his tone.

It already made me jealous, even though I knew it didn't mean he liked her. I don't know why it made me suddenly develop a deep hatred for Ava even without seeing her once.

We got to the royal palace and it was already occupied by my parents, the Betas, and the Gammas, including the pack hunters and warriors, all waiting for Ava to be brought out for the silver and wolfsbane torture used to check her true identity and kill her once she shows any sign of being a demon.

I just wish she is a demon and gets killed so I won't have anything to worry about. It is something worrisome to me that the Lycan prince wasn't interested in anything till her name was mentioned and he had to ask about it. Not only that, he was obviously listening to the conversations after that.


My cheeks are burning with envy and jealousy right now. Why didn't he ask for my name? Why didn't he call my name as he had called Ava's? Now Ava remains the first girl in this pack he's mentioned her name with that sexy voice he got.

I don't want to ever believe he has any glimmer of interest in Ava. In fact, let Ava just die of this torture.

My heart is so heavy right now as I kept brooding over what happened. Everything that happened in that Oman Palace is replaying inside my head, making me want to cry my eyes out and scatter everything around me.

I can't believe it happened so fast and all ended with no single trace of hope. You don't know how much I looked forward to the day I would meet Jaden, who was every woman's dream and steal his heart with my beauty, only to be highly disappointed.

I wish I could just wake up and find out it didn't really happen, like he didn't reject me. Yes, I wish it all happened in my head and had yet to happen in real life. I can't just understand how it is possible, even when it was so clear he trashed me aside.

Immediately we left that kingdom, the first thing I did was to check myself in the mirror. I really stood there for a minute gazing back at my beautiful reflection while wondering how realistic it was that he didn't find me attractive.

When Jaden walked in back then, my breath seized while I really lost my mind instantly. Every step he took forward made my heart skip a beat as my eyes became wet with emotions immediately.

He had walked in with a tiger like tread, having those hands inside his pocket, displaying his basalt jaw, Spartan shoulders, and muscular arms, which spoke of strength.

He wasn't smiling at all and seemed to be forced to come out, but even with the absence of a smile on his face, he still looked so cute and charming that I was mesmerized.

When he looked at me for some time, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't move. His blue eyes were like the ocean rippling under the bright radiation of the sun. When he blinks, I gasped as it was so pretty. Yes, those pairs of eyes were damn pretty and enthralling. Even when he rolled his eyes, I found myself drooling and falling deeper in love with him.

I knew instantly that I had found the man I wanted, someone I was ready to give my entire body and soul to, only for him to reject me like trash.

He said clearly that my introduction wasn't necessary as he wouldn't need it in his life.

It should sound like a joke. Yes, I would have taken that as a mere saying, which wasn't so serious if I hadn't seen how cold and distant his eyes were when he looked at me. He doesn't look friendly at all and obviously dislike me.

Not giving me a single chance to talk to him after the meeting, he left for his room in an instant, even ignoring his father's call to bring him back for me.

Yuck! Today, which should be my best day, turned out to be the worst and sourest day of my life.

My name is Nana, and I am Beta's daughter. The most beautiful girl in this pack and every man's choice. Right from a kid, I was admired by many. It was so clear that my appearance could be a charm that takes over every man's mind as they wouldn't have the power to take their eyes off me.

Mom had always told me how impossible it was for any man to resist me because of my beauty, especially my smile, which was like a love spell, so charming and alluring. But then, why didn't it work on the Lycan prince? I have heard he had never fallen in love and had insisted on hating love, but that shouldn't be my concern either.

Chapter 8 1

Chapter 8 2

Chapter 8 3


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