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The Lycan’s Regret - Chasing his rejected Luna novel Chapter 4

“Ahh!” Xylia cried as her faded mark burned on her neck painfully. She rubbed it to lessen the pain but the more she rubbed, the more it burned. Tears didn't stop from her eyes since Theodore rejected her. She couldn't imagine what her family and the people would be thinking about her. But for now she was afraid for her baby’s life only.

The prison cell opened by the guards and Selena came with Sarah behind her with a tray of food.

“Make sure this bitch eats. She needs to breathe to have her punishment.” Selena looked at Xylia with contempt.

“If my son is sentenced in the dungeon then you are getting a worse punishment than him. I will make sure you do, you whore!” Selena sneered and turned on her heels. Once she left Sarah ran to Xylia's side and hugged her.

“Lia, please don't cry. It will affect your baby.” she whispered and Xylia let out a hard sob in her arms. She recalled how the other night He made love to her only to discard her later like dirt under his shoes and throw her in this place. And Today He rejected her as well. What more will He do to her now?

“Fortunately, the King ordered us to give you something to eat.” Sarah offered her plate of bread and fruits but Xylia felt sick seeing that. She slid the plate away.

“No Sarah, I won't eat it. I never did anything wrong in my life then why is this happening to me..” She sniffed.

“I know you, Lia. You can never do this sin. I don't know why it happened but for now save your and your child’s life. They will kill it even before it comes to this world. You know how the King behaves when He is in anger. It's silent before the storm. And I can't see this happen. Lia, you are too naive for this world!”

“But…I will prove to him.. It's his child.” Xylia nodded, holding her hands.

“And how will you prove it?” Sarah asked curtly. Xylia blinked, not knowing the answer. Sarah sighed and looked at her with pity.

“Exactly! You are a human who can't do anything against the brutal werewolves and lycans here, Lia. The news will spread like a fire till tomorrow. King already hates your family and you were the last reason He spared your family because they offered you as his chosen mate and wife. And now this reason is also invalid. What will He do now? We don't know. And I don't care about your stupid family but you Lia. Save yourself otherwise the vultures here will eat you alive. King might kill your family and they actually deserved it also for abandoning you but you are innocent. Please listen to me and run from here anyhow…”

Xylia’s eyes widened. Run from here?

“But…He will kill me Sarah, He will find me. I have nowhere to go. Where will I go now? Father will kill me if I go back to their house. Everyone hates me.” She cried, not having the courage to do anything. Sarah narrowed her eyes seeing her friend like this.

“He won't be able to even touch you now because the King already killed him!” Xylia gasped loudly hearing Sarah’s words. He killed her father.

“He killed father? Now..what will I do?” Xylia murmured not feeling anything for her dead father. And why should she? He never treated her like a daughter. But still she feels empathy for him. She knew her mother would hold her responsible for his death.

Sarah shook her head. “He wouldn't have been able to save you even if the King hadn't killed him.” Sarah grabbed her shoulders when she didn't react.

“This is not the girl I knew three months ago, Xylia. Where is that brave, courageous and outspoken girl who used to hate the supernatural and managed to stay away from their gazes and approach for the last eighteen years. You are strong. Be that Xylia again. Do it for your child. Do it for you….” Sarah nodded and a little ounce of determination aroused inside Xylia. She placed her hand on her stomach.

“My baby! No! I won't let anything happen to my baby. I will fight for us.” Xylia sniffed and wiped her tears. She nodded slowly at Sarah.

She knew she had to take the drastic step for her life because it was not only about her. Her baby’s life was at stake too. She will think about her husband later but for now…

“Will you help me?” She asked her friend hopefully in a low tone.

Sarah nodded and whispered.

“That's why I'm here. I have arranged everything, Lia. Calvin is ready to help us. You have to leave tonight itself. The guards rotate their position after 12 every night and you have to escape at that exact time. It's four hours from now.”

Xylia nodded reluctantly. Calvin, Sarah’s mate, was also a good friend of hers. Sarah pulled a small bottle out of her pocket. “This is the magical scent that will help you cover your natural scent. I stole it from the laboratory. Nobody will be able to sense your scent until you pass the territory of Lunar guardians.” Sarah then gave her the key to her chains which Xylia hid along with the bottle behind her.

“Be ready when I give you a hint. Spray this scent on you and get out of this cell when no guards are around.” Xylia nodded and Sarah left after that.

Xylia was relieved that no one visited her after that. Those four hours were the most anxious and toughest hours of her life. At the exact midnight, she sprayed that scent and that's when Sarah came before opening her cell.

She passed a small bag to Xylia with the map of the Territory of the Lunar Guardian Kingdom with secret roads highlighted on there to escape from the kingdom to the main city of New York.

“Take this, it will help you until you find something on your own. Don't lose hope, Xylia. You are much stronger than you think about yourself.” Sarah said, handing her the stack of dollars in her hands. Tears welled up in Xylia’s eyes and she thanked Sarah before hugging her tightly.

Chapter 4 1

Chapter 4 2

Chapter 4 3


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