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The Man in Power After Being Married into Her Family novel Chapter 2008

Christopher's eyes were flushed red as he said, "Mom, I'll go out and work when I get better. Even if I have to go to the construction site and carry cement, I will make sure that I do everything possible to make money to make up for this family's living expenses. I won’t allow you to go out and suffer and work so hard when you are already so old!” 3

Harold also said vaguely, "Grandma, I'll also go then!"

Lady Wilson nodded before she said, "Both of you should focus on recuperating and recovering. After both of you get well, I’ll have to depend on you two to look after me and give me a proper burial after my death then!”

As the Wilson family of four finally enjoyed a full meal, Hannah cried in her own room to the point that her face was covered in tears.

As she was suffering from hunger and cold, Hannah did not only feel despair because of the Wilson family, but she had also made a decision in her heart to prepare to leave this place.

She did not intend to stay in this house any longer, nor did she intend to continue staying in Aurous Hill.

She wanted to go back to her natal home.

Although her natal family did not have much money and even though her elder brother was still living off

her parents, at the very least, her natal family would still be able to provide her with food. She would not need to be so devastated and live in dire straits. 2

However, her natal family was a little far away. It would take her at least a five to six hour trip to get back to her natal family on a hard-seat train.

Furthermore, the train ticket would cost more than one hundred dollars. Therefore, her journey back home eventually became Hannah's biggest problem.

After thinking about it, Hannah decided to use Lady Wilson as a means to resolve her problem.

That night, Lady Wilson slept very soundly after a whole day of performing various physical work.

In the wee hours of the morning, Hannah sneaked into Lady Wilson's room and she found two hundred dollars in Lady Wilson's pocket. 2

Out of the two hundred dollars, one hundred dollars was the old lady's salary while the other one hundred dollars was the money that Lady Wilson received after getting a slap across her face. 1

Hannah was very excited when she saw the two hundred dollars.


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