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The Man in Power After Being Married into Her Family novel Chapter 2455

For a crafty scoundrel like Cadfan, who was already used to scheming and calculating, trying to accuse someone else of the crime to cover up his own actions was a very common trick to him.

The reason why he was issuing his condemning opinion about criminals like Zakir and offering a big reward was actually just because he wanted to divert the public's attention to the greatest extent, s

In Cadfan's opinion, most people could be easily swayed, and they did not have any opinions of their own. They did not have the strong ability to distinguish between what was right or wrong, but they would simply rely on the amount of information that they had received to make a vague judgment on whether a matter was right or wrong, or even true or false.

If they were exposed to more positive opinions, they would certainly think and feel that the result would be positive.

Similarly, if they heard many opposing opinions, they would naturally think that the opposition was right.

Many people were coming up with various guesses and assumptions on the internet now. Everyone had a mind of their own, and they could speak and type

anything that they wanted to on the internet.

Therefore, they could easily say anything and make all sorts of assumptions on the internet.

Even if the Schulz family had an extremely strong influence, it would simply be impossible for the Schulz family to try and control everyone.

So, at this point, the Schulz family could only do everything possible to post more favorable and positive opinions and comments that would be beneficial to the Schulz family.

As long as there were enough positive speeches and opinions that were in the Schulz family's favor, they would naturally be able to overwhelm and wipe out all of those unfavorable speeches and speculations against the Schulz family. 3

This was similar to a situation where someone was arguing with another person out on the street. If ten people were scolding a person at once, it would simply be impossible for the person being scolded to scold and defeat all ten people with just one mouth. 4

However, if this person could find another ten thousand people to help him curse and scold the others, the voice of the ten people on the other side would quickly be completely drowned out.

When Steven heard Lord Schulz's order, he immediately replied without any hesitation, "Okay, Dad! I will look for some reporters, media, and also some of the veterans on the internet who are closer to us to help us speak up in regards to this matter!"


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