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The Man in Power After Being Married into Her Family novel Chapter 2514

The butler looked terrified, and he blurted out, "Do you mean to say that the mysterious master who saved the eldest young lady in Japan last time also saved the eldest young lady's life in Aurous Hill this time?!"

"That's right!" Cadfan nodded as he said, "That is exactly what I am feeling right now! I constantly have this feeling that Sophie is not dead! If she is still alive, the person who saved her must be the same mysterious man who had already saved her once in Japan!" 3

The butler was a little puzzled as he asked, "Lord Schulz, I can understand if the same mysterious man i s indeed the person who saved the eldest young lady's life again in Aurous Hill this time. However, what is his intention in kidnapping the second master then?"

Cadfan replied, "There is a high probability that the reason why he kidnapped Steven is because he wants to avenge Sophie and her mother. After all, the reason why Steven went to Aurous Hill this time was entirely because he was going to deal with this matter on behalf of the Schulz family. Therefore, he would naturally be the easiest victim for the mysterious man to get his hands on."

The butler hesitated for a moment before he said, "But

why is that mysterious man so good to Miss Sophie? H e not only saved her life twice, but he even wants to take revenge on her behalf?"

Cadfan replied in a melancholic tone, "I am not too sure about that either. However, if my speculation is indeed true, I would have undoubtedly made a huge blunder this time...” 5

As he spoke, Cadfan sighed before he muttered to himself, "If I would have known that this mysterious master would be so affectionate and devoted toward Sophie, I would never have tried to harm Helen even if it would kill me. After all, no matter what it is, she is Sophie’s mother. As long as Sophie is still alive, she will never forgive me in this lifetime..." 4

In an instant, Cadfan suddenly had an extremely annoyed and pained expression on his face as he said, "If my speculation is correct, I might have had the opportunity to make use of that mysterious man to help the Schulz family! In that case, things wouldn’t have turned out the way it has today, then!” i

The butler hurriedly asked, "Lord Schulz, is there any way for us to turn things around now?"

"Turn things around?!" Cadfan’s face was all wrinkled up as he frowned and said angrily, "How can I

possibly turn things around now?! I kicked Sophie’s father out of the country, and I tried to kill her mother. What makes matter worse is the fact that Steven and that d*mn Matteo even pushed the blame and responsibility for taking Sophie’s life entirely onto my shoulders! How could Sophie ever forgive me for that?! I should be grateful if she is not going to try and take my life!"


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