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The Man in Power After Being Married into Her Family novel Chapter 592

In fact, these five million dollars was made up of Elaine’s two over million dollars, including the two million dollars that Hannah had put in as bait. Linda was simply repeatedly lending the same five million dollars that Elaine kept taking and losing back to her. After a whole night, the fifty million dollars that

Elaine got from mortgaging the villa was already lost. 1

At this time, Linda told Elaine, "Sister Elaine, I am sorry, but it seems as though you have already used u p the fifty million dollars that you got from the mortgage." 4

Elaine felt as though she was going insane, and she blurted out immediately, "My villa is worth more than one hundred million dollars! You cannot simply take a mortgage from me for just fifty million dollars! You should give me another fifty million dollars for it!" 1

"I am sorry." Linda smiled slightly before she said, "We have already signed a mortgage contract, and everything is written in black and white. You were the one who agreed to mortgage the villa to me for fifty million dollars. According to our agreement, you have three days to raise the money. If you are trying to raise money, it would be fifty million dollars, plus another five million dollars as interest. Therefore, you owe me fifty-five million in total. If you can pay me fifty-five million dollars, you can keep the villa, but if you cannot pay me, the villa that you mortgaged to me will

officially belong to me."

Elaine blurted out immediately, "No, that villa does not belong to me! It belongs to my son-in-law, so what I said does not count at all!"

At this time, Elaine knew that she could not bring the villa into this situation because the villa belonged to Charlie. If she asked Charlie for the villa, her daughter and husband would definitely find out that she had lost so much money as well as their house deed! They would also find out that she had mortgaged Charlie's villa and lost all of that money.

Therefore, Elaine hurriedly said, "Sister Linda, you have already won a house and more than two million dollars from me today. So, please, can you just forget about the villa? You have already won so much and made so much money from me today!"

As soon as she heard Elaine's words, the expression o n Linda's face changed as she said coldly, "Elaine, are you trying to run away without paying up after losing t o me? Do you really think that I can be bullied so easily? Don't blame me for turning my back on you if you do not pay me what you owe me!"

Elaine hurriedly cried out loud, "Sister Linda, I know that you are a good person. I really cannot give you the villa because it does not belong to me at all!" i

Linda was very indifferent, and she simply replied coldly, "You should stop talking nonsense in front of m e! You can either choose to pay me the money you owe me, or transfer the ownership of the villa to me!

Otherwise, I will ask my nephew to come and collect the debt from you!" 1


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