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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 104

"Mr... Mr. Chu, are you alright?"

Just then, the whole room was quiet.

Everyone held their breath.

After all, Ye Fan was skilled enough to kill Wu He-Rong's fellow disciple with a single slap. The Jiangdong leaders had no doubt that he was a prodigious martial artist.

Therefore, in their opinion, something dreadful must have happened to send him into this tailspin of panic and sombreness.

Did Mr. Chu realize some terrible truth while watching the video clip?

Or perhaps, Mr. Chu has sensed the presence of Wu He-Rong?

When they considered this possibility, Lei San and Li Er paled immediately. They hurriedly turned around to look out of the window.


A violent gust swept past the restaurant and blew open the windows.

And the cold wind rushed into the room through the openings.

At this moment, the Jiangdong leaders were frightened out of their wits and overwhelmed with panic. Li Er, who was more cowardly than the others, trembled so badly that he collapsed right onto the floor.

Clearly, the intrusion by Wu He-Rong's fellow disciple had left a scar on their psyche. So when they saw the open windows and Ye Fan's look of panic, the Jiangdong leaders immediately assumed the worst.

Could it be that Wu He-Rong is already here?

But just as everyone was reeling from the shock, Ye Fan's voice rang out in the room.

"Shit!" "I am in deep shit! I am in deep shit!"

"It's two thirty! My wife must be getting impatient!"

"Can't stay and chat anymore. I have to go now."

Ye Fan was panicking. After saying what he had to say, he dashed downstairs in a hurry, without even bothering to finish his tea.

Meanwhile, the dumbfounded Jiangdong leaders were left behind in the room.

Dead quiet!

The silence went on for a long time.

Long after Ye Fan's departure, the room remained silent.

Finally, Chen Ao and company managed to recover from their bewilderment.

The Jiangdong leaders were speechless. Chen Ao's eye kept twitching and Lei San had turned an ugly shade of green. As for Li Er, who was sprawled on the floor, the corner of his mouth was twitching uncontrollably while his face was flushed red. He kept trying to speak but, in the end, he only managed to say a single word.


Li Er was nearly mad with anger.

Ye Fan's earlier panic had not been due to Wu He-Rong's awe-inspiring strength or the horrible death of the Niu family head. He had lost his cool only because he was afraid that his wife might be angry at being kept waiting.

"Ah, damn it!"

"To think that I was so frightened that I nearly pissed myself. I thought we were all going to die."

"In the end, it was because of something like that?"

Li Er's face was full of bitterness as he picked himself off the floor.

The other leaders were still feeling bewildered. Finally, they turned around to look at each other and then smiled awkwardly.

"To think that Mr. Chu is such a family-oriented man," said Chen Ao with a chuckle as he tried to break the ice.


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