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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 105

When Ye Fan and Qiu Mu-Cheng reached Yunzhou, it was already late at night.

Originally, after disembarking from the train, they had planned to take a cab home. But, unexpectedly, the couple ran into Qiu Guang and Qiu Luo at the station's entrance.


"Uncle Guang. Uncle Luo. What are you doing here? Are you going on a business trip?”

Qiu Mu-Cheng was surprised to see her uncles at the station, but did not think too much about it. She assumed they were just going on a business trip.

"Mu-Cheng, we are here to pick you up."

"We heard you will be returning tonight, so your grandfather told us to come and pick you up."

"Your grandfather has prepared a banquet at the family house to welcome you back."

"Quick, get in the car."

Both Qiu Guang and Qiu Luo gave their niece a warm welcome. And they were all smiles as they walked up to her to escort her to the car.

"Uncle Guang. Uncle Luo. Are you alright?”

In all these years, this was the first time Qiu Mu-Cheng had seen her uncles acting so friendly toward her. And she was even more surprised to hear about the banquet her grandfather had prepared for her.

What is going on?

Am I in the wrong story?

Qiu Mu-Cheng thought something strange was going on.

When she had departed Yunzhou a few days ago, her uncles and grandfather were still acting coldly toward her. And Master Qiu had not only removed her from her position as project manager, but also given her hardwon contract to her cousin, Qiu Mu-Ying.

That was the reason why Qiu Mu-Cheng had left for Jianghai in a huff.

But who would have thought that, after her return, the Qius would start acting so oddly. Their attitude toward her had taken a complete turnaround; so much so that she was finding it difficult to accept it.

In the end, after a certain amount of persuasion, she agreed to go with her uncles.

"This is a Qiu family banquet! What are you going there for?"

"Here's a fiver. Go take a bus home by yourself." Qiu Guang flew into a rage when he saw Ye Fan following Qiu Mu-Cheng into the car. After lashing out at Ye Fan, Qiu Guang went forward to pull him away from the vehicle.

"Uncle Guang, what are you doing?" When she saw this, Qiu Mu-Cheng frowned and questioned her uncle angrily.

Qiu Guang smiled and replied: "Mu-Cheng, we are doing this for you. Your grandfather is finally starting to think favorably of you. You have come so far but, if you bring this good-for-nothing with you, your grandfather will get angry at you again. You know, as well as I do, that this good-for-nothing has a low status in our family."

Qiu Guang was about to continue speaking, when Qiu Mu-Cheng suddenly disembarked from the vehicle. "Uncle Guang is right. We have a low status in the family. So we are not going to the banquet tonight, in case we make a fool of ourselves and enrage my grandfather."

"Ye Fan, let's go home."

Qiu Mu-Cheng was furious. Disrespecting her husband was the same as disrespecting her!

No matter what, Ye Fan was her legally wedded husband. She was not going to let her family humiliate him.

"Mu-Cheng, I was talking about that good-for-nothing, not you. Why are you getting angry?" Qiu Guang was panicking, and he hurriedly stepped forward to prevent his niece from leaving.

After all, right now, the Qius were sorely in need of a cash flow injection as they were facing a capital chain rupture. So they were in serious trouble unless they could get their hands on Qiu Mu-Cheng's contract with Hongqi Group.

Master Qiu had given the order. Qiu Guang and Qiu Luo were to bring Qiu Mu-Cheng to the family house tonight, by hook or by crook.

"Forget it, Guang. Let Ye Fan come with us and bask in Mu-Cheng's limelight." Qiu Luo could tell that Qiu Mu-Cheng was on Ye Fan's side. So they had no choice but to let him come along.

And soon, they reached the Qiu's family house.

The courtyard was brightly lit and all the Qius were in attendance.

"Mu-Cheng, welcome back." "Quick, have a seat.'

"We have prepared this banquet for you."

The moment Qiu Mu-Cheng arrived, Master Qiu led the assembled family members to welcome her.

Although Qiu Mu-Ying and her family were writhing in jealousy, there was nothing they could do. Hongqi Group had already said that they would only negotiate with Qiu Mu-Cheng. But when Qiu Mu-Ying spotted Ye Fan, her heavily made-up face twisted in anger. She was filled with hatred toward that man.

"Ye Fan, you bastard! How dare you come here?"

"Get out of here! Right now!"

"There is no place for you in our family!"


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