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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1129

Ye Fan wasn't afraid of the Chu family or the Japanese martial arts circle. In fact, he had thrashed everyone in the latter. He had not been afraid of Ye Qing-Tian, the most powerful man in China.

The Xur family must be dreaming if they thought that they could instill fear in Ye Fan.

“What an audacious young man! Just because you have shown yourself to be quite powerful, you believe that no one can beat you, do you? You have no regard for the Xur family at all!"

A furious voice thundered almost immediately after Ye Fan had spoken.

Everyone turned their eyes towards where the voice had come from. Numerous cars had appeared in the distance.

Hordes of men alighted from the cars and then lined themselves up dutifully, like lords awaiting the arrival of their king.

After some time, an old man appeared.

He was dressed in a gray and green military uniform that had long been replaced by a new design. His hair was white and he seemed really old. Yet, from his firm and steady steps, it was clear that he was still strong and sharp despite his age.

Everyone could feel an immense power exuding from the old man.

It was an overpowering and aggressive aura that only one who had survived countless wars and bloodshed possessed.

The other detail that caught everyone's eyes was the three golden stars pinned on his shoulder.

"Is he an admiral?”

Numerous gasps could be heard.

The eyes of Li Er and the others nearly popped out of their heads when they saw the three golden stars.

How many admirals did China have?

Jiangdong had produced only one in the last ten years.

Admirals stood at the peak of the pyramid of both influence and strength.

The provincial leader of Jiangdong would have to show his respect to an admiral if one were to appear before him.

No one amongst them had expected such a powerful and influential figure to turn up at Mr Chu's wedding dinner.

Alarm flashed across Wu Wei-Tao's face when he saw the old man.

"Is that...could he be Old Master Xur, Xur Jun-Lin?" muttered Wu Wei-Tao with a frown. He laughed immediately after confirming this.

It was a cold and hard laugh.

"This is getting more interesting by the moment. Even Old Master Xur is here. Mr Chu, let's see how you try and save yourself now. With you gone, your reign will be over and your people finished!

When that happens, I'll seize the opportunity and reshape the political landscape in Jiangdong. With the Lu and Xur families' help, Jiangdong's going to be mine!"

The fears and worries that Wu Wei-Tao had been plagued with vanished instantly upon the arrival of the Xur family's patriarch.

A smug look resettled on the mayor's face.

The rows of men parted like the sea, freeing up a path for Old Master Xur.

Xur Jun-Lin marched down the path and appeared before Ye Fan within moments.

Xur He was still kneeling on the ground.

He was overjoyed to see the old man. The glee that he showed on his face was akin to that of a drowning man who had caught sight of land.

"Father, you've finally arrived! This young punk didn't just kill one of our own, he injured both my knees and forced me to kneel to him. He doesn't give a damn about the Xur family at all. Father, you must kill him and avenge me and Shao-Hua!” said Xur He pleadingly, his features twisted by fury and hate.


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