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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1130

The other folks shook with fear when they heard what Ye Fan had said.

Mr Chu had spoken out of turn.

He had brazenly insulted Xur Jun-Lin, a figure of immense influence and power.

Xur Jun-Lin's face twitched angrily. Ye Fan's insults had rendered him speechless.

He had thought that his presence in Yunzhou would give Mr Chu some pause. No matter how bold the young man was, he would be subdued by his arrival at Yunzhou.

He had not expected Ye Fan to have no regard or fear for him and to instead fling insults at him so boldly.

Anger had Xur Jun-Lin baring his teeth in a furious smile.

"You're quite a bold young man, aren't you? I've been in retirement for far too long. It seems that the world has forgotten about me and my past achievements. Even a young punk dares to speak so rudely to me now. It's time that I remind everyone what I'm capable of before everyone thinks that I've grown old and useless, and everyone's going to push the Xur family around then. I'm going to make an example of you today and tell the world that Xur Jun-Lin might have retired, but that doesn't mean that he's a pushover!" Xur Jun-Lin's words thundered with a cold fury.

His eyes were bright with a murderous glow.

Xur He trembled instinctively as he sensed the cold fury emanating from his father.

His father had brought him up. No one understood Xur Jun-Lin better than Xur He.

He knew that his father was livid.

It had been decades since his father had shown such fury. He had never gotten this angry since the Xur family had established itself as one of the most powerful families in Yanjing.

"My old man's furious. You're finished, punk," sneered Xur He, malice and glee dancing in his eyes.

Xur He knew what his old man was capable of.

The general had retired a long time ago. Having been given a position without actual authority, he had no true power or command over any troops.

Yet, his influence continued to hold sway in the military.

The vast Chinese army was filled with his disciples and followers.

Many of them had been personally groomed by the old general.

He could get them to do anything for him with a single word.

Besides, Xur Jun-Lin had created the three most powerful special troops in the military. They were the most powerful military units in the nation.

As their founder and deemed their commander-in-name, his retirement wouldn't stop the troops from answering his commands should he issue one.

This was the extent of power that he commanded.

While Xur He was secretly looking forward to Ye Fan's demise, Xur Jun-Lin had raised his arm and sent it sweeping across his head.

"Warring Wolves! Flying Leopards! Black Tigers!" thundered his voice. "I, Xur Jun-Lin, the commander-in-name of the Yanjing military troops, command you to attack right now and take this audacious young man down!"

His voice was filled with fury and the threat of murder as it reverberated in the air and sent waves of fierce winds howling.

Despair colored the eyes of Li Er and the others when they heard his command.

Chen Ao trembled and nearly collapsed to the ground.

He had not expected the Xur family to mobilize the strongest military troops in the nation simply to take down Ye Fan.

"Dad, what's the Warring Wolves and the Flying Leopards? Are they beasts the Xur family have tamed? 3,000 soldiers couldn't do anything to Mr Chu. Three mere beasts aren't going to hurt him."

Shen Fei and the other young folks appeared confused.

They had no idea what the Warring Wolves or Flying Leopards were.

Mr Chu hadn't feared the vast army of 3,000 men. He wasn't going to be afraid of a few animals.

"You know nothing! They're not animals. They're the names of the most powerful special troops of our country. Each unit is a powerful weapon of our nation. They can face down vast armies and slay generals!" said Chen Ao as worry darkened his face.


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