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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 118

Shortly after hanging up on Han, Ye Fan's phone rang again. This time, the caller was Li Er.

"Mr. Chu, there are only seven days left till the duel at Mount Tai. Is there anything else we need to prepare? For example, restorative medicine, custom-made weapons or some extra manpower?”

"After all, the outcome of this duel will decide the survival of Jiangdong. So we are hoping that Mr. Chu..."

Three days had already passed since Ye Fan's return from Jianghai. Li Er had two reasons to give Ye Fan a call at this time. Firstly, it was to remind Ye Fan of his upcoming duel and Li Er also wanted to find out if Ye Fan had made any preparations for the fight.

Li Er was naturally concerned about this matter, since its outcome would decide whether he lived or died.

But Ye Fan only gave a nonchalant reply. "There is no need to prepare anything. I only need one hand to defeat Wu He-


Ye Fan's tone was flat and uninterested. But, even though they were separated by a phone line, Li Er was still overwhelmed by Ye Fan's prideful and formidable presence.

"That's... that's great then,” Li Er smiled resentfully. Ye Fan's words had failed to assuage Li Er's worry. Perhaps because the tragic death of Huo Dun had left a too deep impression on the Jiangdong leaders.

But Li Er did not dare to enquire further. He merely informed Ye Fan that he would be hosting a banquet at his residence on the day of departure. Its purpose was not only to give Ye Fan a send-off, but was also meant to celebrate his victory in advance. Li Er was adamant that Ye Fan should attend the feast.

"Mm," Ye Fan nodded. "I will contact you again when the time comes."

And then he hung up.

But Li Er was still besieged with worry. And this state of mind continued long after Ye Fan had ended the call.

"Master Er, since Mr. Chu sounded so confident, then he must be very sure of success. Why are you still worried?" Jin Bao and Yin Bao said consolatorily.

But Li Er shook his head and sighed. "The Boxing King was also very confident of victory. But look, the weeds are already growing tall over his grave."

"Pride comes before a fall. If Mr. Chu had adopted a cautious attitude, I would not be so worried. But look at the way he is acting now. You can say that he is being confident, if you want to be polite. But to put it bluntly, this sort of behavior can also be called arrogance."

When he recalled Ye Fan's indifferent attitude, Li Er heaved another sigh.

He was getting more and more worried. Was it really alright to entrust the survival of Jiangdong to the hands of one single person?

As Li Er mulled things over, he said worriedly: "It looks like I have to discuss this matter with Chen Ao and the others. We have to make some backup plans."

Jiangdong was going to be thrown into turmoil tonight.

Leaders throughout the province were holding a video conference to discuss the upcoming duel at Mount Tai. And without exception, all of them had troubled looks on their faces.

Of course, Ye Fan did not know what they were doing behind his back.

After he put down his phone, he turned to look at the calender. Today was the eighth of August.

That meant the Mount Tai duel would take place on the fifteenth.

Ye Fan smiled lightly. There was no sign of anxiety on his face. He simply leaned against the window and continued to play his harmonica.

His mother had given him the instrument before he left for Yunzhou.

Ever since he was a kid, his mother had always been playing the harmonica for him.

In Ye Fan's memory, his mother's harmonica music was filled with a lot of feelings.

There was the feeling she held for a missed loved one, her yearning for days gone by and her expectation for her son's future. But, mostly, it was filled with the heartbreaking pain she kept inside herself.

Ye Fan's mother had suffered a lot throughout her life, but he did not remember hearing her complain. Perhaps because she had poured all her emotions into her beautiful music.

Mother, the day will come soon when both of us will walk openly through the main doors of the Chu's family house. On that day, those people who have humiliated us, treated us with contempt, will kneel before you and beg for forgiveness!

Ye Fan's eyes were filled with firm resolve.

The night sky was clear and the moonlight flowed down like water.

The chilly night breeze blended with the melodious tune of the harmonica and carried it far, far away.


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