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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 119

"Where is the manager?"

"Let me speak to your manager!"

"We are spending a lot of money to enjoy the high-class service here. We did not come here to mingle around with a country bumpkin!" Qiu Mu-Ying said disdainfully.

Qiu Mu-Ying and her husband had never gotten along with Qiu Mu-Cheng's family. And after the fiasco at Yunjing Hotel, the rift between the two families only grew deeper.

If it were not for her cousin, Qiu Mu-Ying would never have thought of hosting a banquet. And if she had not hosted the banquet, she and her husband would not have been humiliated in front of the whole family.

Right now, they could not do anything to Qiu Mu-Cheng, but it would be easy enough to deal with her good-for-nothing husband.

And since an opportunity had just presented itself, Qiu Mu-Ying wanted to back Ye Fan into a corner.

Soon, a fat manager in a suit came out into the dining area.

And it seemed that the fat manager knew Chu Wen-Fei, because he immediately greeted the latter respectfully.

"Oh my, it is Young Master Chu. What an honor."

"Hmph, do you still think of us as your VIP guests?" Chu Wen-Fei snorted. It was obvious that he was feeling unhappy. "Mr. Hu, there are so many cafes in Yunzhou, but I keep coming back to yours. Do you know why? Because your shop has class and it is suited to somebody of my position."

"But now, a country bumpkin has sneaked into this high-class establishment. And just like how a single rotten apple can ruin a whole barrel, this person has dragged down the standard of your cafe. Mr. Hu, are you trying to ruin your brand name by letting riff-raffs into your shop?" Chu Wen-Fei said grimly.

The fat manager turned pale when he heard this.

Since it was operating as a high-class establishment, Belle's Cafe took its brand name very seriously.

Because losing the prestige of their brand name would mean losing their competitive edge as well.

And so, the fat manager hurriedly apologized to Chu Wen-Fei in a panic.

"Young Master Chu, please don't get angry.

I will go throw him out right now."

"So get your ass moving! Now!" Chu Wen-Fei yelled.

As the fat manager hurried away, both Chu Wen-Fei and Qiu Mu-Ying looked smugly over at Ye Fan.

When the fat manager reached Ye Fan's table, he questioned the latter coldly: "Are you a member here?"

Belle's Cafe had a membership system. To maintain its elite status, they opened their doors to members only. That was the manager asked Ye Fan if he was a member before saying anything else.

Ye Fan shook his head and said, "This is my first time here. I am not a member."

Just as expected!

When the fat manager heard this, he felt no more scruples about dealing with Ye Fan.

"Then why are we still having this conversation!" he scolded immediately.

"Get out right now!"

"How dare a bumpkin like you come to a place like this?"

"If you don't have the money, then don't try to show off! Why are you still here?" the fat manager yelled angrily.

Ye Fan frowned and said indifferently: "I was invited here by a friend."

"A friend?"

"What friend? One of your beggar friends?"

"Stop joking around, you bumpkin."

"You are just a country bumpkin. Do you expect us to believe that you have a friend who's rich enough to patronize our cafe?"

"Get out right now!" Qiu Mu-Ying screamed with a sneer. The disgust and disdain in her eyes were evident as she looked at Ye Fan.

She felt that being in the same cafe as somebody like Ye Fan was a grave insult to her.

"Get out-"

"Go away! You are an eyesore!" Chu Wen-Fei yelled angrily.

The fat manager also joined in the scolding, and insisted that Ye Fan leave his cafe.

By now, the other patrons in the cafe had already noticed the commotion at Ye Fan's table. And their faces were filled with disgust, when they saw the shabbily dressed young man sitting in their midst.

"Nowadays, these poor losers sure have gotten brave. They even have the audacity to try to mingle with high society folks like us."

"He should take a good look at himself in the mirror."

Mocking laughter rang out from the onlookers in the cafe. As they looked pityingly at Ye Fan, mocking smiles could be seen dancing on their lips.

Both Qiu Mu-Ying and Chu Wen-Fei were also smiling disdainfully. Just then, they were feeling thoroughly pleased with themselves.


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